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About TheDarkPhantom

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  1. TheDarkPhantom

    The Phantom Survival Guide

    When I used to do hold ups some people would refuse to listen to me and try to tell me to just leave. Needless to say I killed them. And I didn't say to rush for their gun I just said to kill them and take it. I could explain many scenarios of that situation with different answers which is where I think the incompleteness comment comes in. If I took time to explain every little thing you should do it would be pointless. Really I'm starting some Bambis off with good advice, I'm not trying to tell them how to go through the entire game. Some of this might not work for them and they'd develope a system evolved from mine to adapt to them.
  2. TheDarkPhantom

    The Phantom Survival Guide

    This is how I think you should play the game. Don't agree? I don't care. This is a suggestion not an order if you think it's wrong then think so but keep it to yourself. After spawning a lot of Bambi's rush for cities. Don't. Stick to the country and pick up any food you can. When you find a weapon get it and then you should go to the cities. The food is simply encase you need it. If you find something more important then replace it but always keep that extra space filled with food. Keep yourself above all others. If you see a bambi in trouble then let it go. If he makes it he makes it but don't endanger yourself. If you are low on supplies and happen to see another player running about don't hesitate to kill them; It's them, or you. I am not saying to kill every player you come across just when you need to or feel in danger. Fight for your survival and your comfort only. If someone nearby has a gun stronger than yours go ahead and kill them. They might use that weapon to kill you but if you kill them and take it then you are safe. If you come in contact with a bandit go ahead and kill it, it doesn't matter. Hold ups: Don't try to hold someone up. If you want what they have then take it. If someone holds you up, go for trying to live because chances are you will die so at least try to live. If they let you go and are dumb enough to leave you with a weapon.. Hunt down and kill them. Camps: Keep a camp in the woods, your tent under a tree where you will remember it, and if you have a vehicle keep it a little ways from your camp so they don't get your vehicle and supplies. Vehicles: If you find a helicopter, destroy it. Unless you have a crew then you won't really need it. Off road vehicles are good to have, mainly light ones. (Quads, Dirt Bikes, maybe a truck.) Military Jeeps are another good thing to have. If you have the space always keep spare parts and keep them in your camp. If you find a beat up vehicle that just manages to run, bring it back for repairs. Weapons: Your weapon choice depends on play style. I tend to keep military machine guns, shot guns, and snipers (The 50. Cal and DMR are my favorites.) But this is just my suggestions. If you want to know anything else feel free to message me. I will respond to anyone so long as it isn't hate mail. Comments are fine but no rude criteria. I don't want to hear about how YOU think the game should be played or what about this is stupid. I am perfectly fine playing under this strategy.
  3. TheDarkPhantom

    About Mod Dayz

    English maybe?
  4. TheDarkPhantom

    for those who are looking tents

    @BambiKiller Your name doesn't exactly make me feel like I'd want to trade with you. Bandit's should trade with trading companies not single people. Companies know they will win.
  5. TheDarkPhantom

    DaResistance =DARC=

    No need to be rude about it but lack of replies is a horrid viewpoint.
  6. TheDarkPhantom

    Bambi Needing a clan

    I don't trust people but PM me if you need help.
  7. Not knowing who Frankie is...? Be gladd Frankie made me a Hero like him rather than a bandito.
  8. TheDarkPhantom

    DaResistance =DARC=

    Simple reason that this is failing, and so are many others: Lack of good information. If you don't see what you're lacking, chances are you are stupid.
  9. You seeem more like a community server implying everyone works together or clan battles. Some of us like to stand alone, and the advertisement isn't very appealing tto anyone who isn't in a clan or wantss to ride with admins. The mod is about survival.
  10. TheDarkPhantom

    Young teen looking for friendly survivor

    Your not giving much information to people about your play style. PM me if you need help.
  11. TheDarkPhantom

    Looking for Group/Clan or people to play with!

    As I have said to many before give people under 18 a chance. I met a 13 year old who I thought was twenty for about a week of playing with him. Don't judge.
  12. TheDarkPhantom

    Looking For Mature Players/Group (Age 21+)

    Most of Dayz's players are under 21 give people 15+ a chance to show they can be mature and if not simply turn them down. Restrictions of that age greatly slims your chances.
  13. Advertising on another's thread? Why not just give him a link and offer? Potentially you could be taking from this boys possibilities for people to join you.
  14. TheDarkPhantom

    Ghost Operative recruitment

    Very well planned out but try to be more descriptive with "what it takes to survive." Do you mean you will be bandits, friendlies, holing up as an organized group or nomads with vehicles? Let them know.
  15. TheDarkPhantom

    UTES PvP Group!

    Hen looking for a pvp group you. Should add information about how it will work to appeal to people. For all they know you might just lure them into a death trap. Be weary.