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Everything posted by BomboFlash

  1. Hi im kinda new. but im wondering a thing regarding the backpack. I know its buggy as hell and likes to remove stuff etc. Anyway, if i got a CZ in my backpack and a Winchester in my main slot. Is there anyway i can move the CZ to my hand and winchest to my backpack. Without having to put the winchester on the ground first. Then put CZ in hand and then pick up winchester to my backpack. Can they just change places or will one of the weapons get removed?
  2. Haha my god the guy had the hunting rifle yet he has to waste 3 rounds on a cow. Hillarious. He was clearly not fit for surviving anyway.
  3. BomboFlash

    Tents after death

    Hehe then it is hardly permanent...I would say you have your precious tent for a day no more. Since servers are instable as fuck right now and keep crashing. Does anyone know if its worth the risk to actually try and store stuff in the tents?
  4. Thanks. Seems like Cheese has made a System of a down cover aswell. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWnLyTxSQiY&feature=related
  5. Hehe yeah that is pretty damn unlucky. Whats the name of the song in the video btw?
  6. Well its supposed to be a zombie survival game. If food and water would not decrese at a very slow rate the player would never have any troubles. Its already quite easy surviving out there, if you die its normally from a player. I actually don't even have any problems with the weather. Okay i don't like that you get a cold instnatly when your temp meter is low. that is kinda silly. But the temperature isn't a big issue for me now. I have been crawling around at night for hours and still had about 60-70 in temp val. We have to remember that we aren't exactley running around in a tropical landscape, by the looks of it its even Autum. So freezing would make sense. I do however think we need a solution to the wood issue. Its silly that a player needs to gather wood in barns. There has to be a way to gather it in the forrest.
  7. BomboFlash

    Why can't I view players' names above them?

    I prefere when you can't see player names. Its kinda silly how easily you can spot players just by moving around with your aim.
  8. BomboFlash

    Things you have learned from playing DayZ

    Great video. Yeah it seems like alot in day Z is about Beanz. Things i have learned -Always crouch when zombies are close, zombies seem to have extreamly good hearing -Ladders are sometimes a bigger threat then zombies and players. -Stay away from the coast if you want to live -If you freeze you will automatically get a cold in a matter of seconds -For some reason a person can't melee -Enterable buildings = loot -Night sure is alot darker then any night i have experinced. -Zombies can be killed without shooting them in the head -Its a zombie apocalypse but none seems to get infected by their bites or blood.