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About Wightlion

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    NW Chicago & SE London England
  • Interests
    Staying alive !!
  1. All this talk about vehicles,....just how long do you expect to be driving or riding one before you see that infamous black screen of death ? Just give me a tent a campfire and some meat and I'll be happy.
  2. Wightlion

    Which is better?

    I personally avoid taking the M4 if theres alternatives available however you can go on a low pop and do some shooting practice and judge performance for yourself, saying that if I did pick up an M4 I just use the ironsights over the handle unless I had one of those ootics.
  3. Wightlion


    Hey why not the OP has something here but not for batlogging,...excessive drinking from a well or pond over watering the character has to have a slash standing up for say 40 seconds,...and the stuffed feeling has to be eventually overcome by taking a dump which would mean you have to be in a sitting position for a few minutes leaving yourself open to fire,....so instead of shovelling everything down your neck you have to think further about your consumption. OP you have my flatulence enducing beans for stating off this idea that everyone bar a few seems to have pooh poohed
  4. Wightlion

    Haha! This game is fun!

    How do you die from acid rain ?
  5. Wightlion

    How Not To Surrender - Short Video

    Was that SOAD playing in the background ?
  6. Firstly let me express my thoughts on DayZ so far,.... Being quite a veteran mature of age gameplayer the only other game that I have played that I enjoyed so much was the COD world at War multiplayer tactical crouch servers I love playing Arma II and the DayZ mods and I find this game much much better than that, in other words I love DayZ SA For all the Alpha faults, glitches, bugs, within the game so far, this game is going to be a classic, possibly the most classic game ever because its you that makes the game whatever you want it to be. For example I like lonewolfing, I like doing my own thing, I like finding a town getting in gearing up and getting out, I like watching other players doing their thing oblivious to my presence, I like going to help out Fresh prawns if they get into difficulty or taking on the Kos`ers,...I have not been killed thus far by a Prawn because I never give them the opportunity to do so,..keeping them in sight at all time and out of range with their fists etc.and if they give it the large out they have a choice of either leaving me along or dying,..simples ! Last week I met up with a friendly,...group,... 2 guys at first then 3 and finally ending up with 6 so then I became a part of a wolfpack and again we, as a group, helped out players took on the Kos`ers mainly around Elecktro. Things became exciting when another pack entered the area and a massive firefight took place,..I say pretty exciting because it made my heart pump and made me think seriously about tactics and preserving my game life,...what other game has made you an emotional wreck and has made you actually think about what you are doing. Sadly one of my group was over enthusiastic with his M4 and I became another "Blue on Blue" statistic and saw the DZ>BSOD. Respawn and live to fight another day The gun battle would have been bloody brilliant but our combatants upon finding that they were losing and instead of graciously dying by the sword decide to `batlog and ghost into an advantageous position,.....sad for them to do that really and pretty much spoilt it all in the end,..my group still became the victors but, well you know I see a lot of posts coming through the forum about the game being boring, about the quality of game play,bemoaning the bugs and glitches and while everyone who has purchased the game absolutely has the right to voice an opinion but come on,.........Rome wasnt built in a day and all that,... and yes some things do seem slow to being rectified,....ghosting, batlogging, item spawning and zombies being able to run through walls after you think that youve outwitted them. Why not help the Devs out with the bug report system however minor you think it may be to you it may make a whole lot of difference as we slowly advance towards the Beta. I say we,....we are all in this together right. Again I say to you,....its your game and you can make the game whatever you want it to be but some of you are going to have to be patient
  7. Wightlion

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    I disagree that its cheating,..the only time that you could day its slightly advantageous over another player is when you chat to someone across the map to coordinate meet ups.As for chatting together as a group within close proximity its just that same as if your characters were directly talking to each other,so I see no problem with that. As for cheating my vote goes to combat logging and ghosting.
  8. Wightlion

    You rotten *@$!"%*

    oooh is it in Alpha,... I would have never of guessed !!!
  9. Wightlion

    You rotten *@$!"%*

    Hi Bush, this is Bush,..... I am experiencing abnormal character resets after the latest patch even when the server, that I usually play in, restarts I end up back on the bloody coast without my bucket and spade :( Now theres no chance to pop in and have a quick loot session for say half hour because its currently pointless if ever you log out only to become once again a fresh Prawn !! So fella`s think yourself lucky that you actually spawn with something :P
  10. Wightlion

    Pc build for Dayz and future gaming

    I also say the 212 Evo, best bang for your Buck,Euro, Pound, or Beans
  11. Wightlion

    New Town Location?

    If thinking of visiting Svetlo Id take some suntan lotion because I have the distinct feeling its going to be super hot !!! B)
  12. Wightlion


    I would also change your username sign in otherwise you`ll get a boatload of spam.
  13. Wightlion

    New spawns!... Slow the $£%! down

    Oh I see :rolleyes: