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Everything posted by shadowde

  1. So I can now give you some intel regarding that 7.62x51mm thing. It's actual the same "object/model" as the Mosin Rounds. Just another package for the bullets I guess. I loaded some of these into a Mosin and now the Mosin says "7.61x51mm 100 zeroing" in the right upper corner of the screen. So no new guns coming with that type of ammo :(
  2. So my Screenshots shows a _new_ type of ammo in the standalone, am I right?
  3. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/432645228349986902/421533732BFB26AAB0A408A83967BEBD382F7BDA/ anyone found that before? the "normal" mosin ammo goes with "7.62mm" not specified its 7.62x54r or something like that.
  4. shadowde

    Selling 4x AS50 2x m107s and 4 ghille all with mags

    Hi I would take 2 ghille and One AS50 and some ammo if u like. Martin.