Age:25 Experience: About a year, but over 15 years of FPS/Horror experience. What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc: I play as recon/scout, I try to stick with a quiet melee weapon and a sidearm, unless I get an assault rifle with a decent amount of ammo. I don't like being caught having to switch back to my axe or crowbar. Bio: I'm a long time gamer, I've been gaming since I was wee. My first systems were the Sega Genesis and NES. My first FPS's were Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, and Quake. I play all genre's but love RPGs and Shooters the most. Why would you like to join: I need a good group that I can trust to work with for survival and whatever. I've been solo up until now, I've only ever grouped with a couple people before they eventually die. I'm getting lonely. Hahaha.