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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Could be the server you're playing, or your computer itself, try another server and post your system specs, please. Thanks, Husky.
  2. The GPU is old, it wont be able to sustain a steady FPS that is playable, I suggest upgrading it (depending on the brand, you may have to upgrade to a new computer) Also, the CPU is rather slow, it's only got 2 physical cores, whereas nowadays, they usually have 4, this will affect Arma's performance.
  3. ttghusky@live.com.au

    really laggy

    The graphics card is one of an old model, you're best upgrading, it wont pull off much at all. Thanks, Husky.
  4. Programs like that aren't always perfect, you are being severely bottle necked by your GPU, I suggest upgrading, or getting a new computer, you wont be able to pull much off with that GPU whatsoever. Thanks, Husky.
  5. Your issue lies with VirtualBox, it makes a virtual computer, using only a small partion of the hardware, you'll need to bootcamp again, otherwise you wont be able to play.
  6. SSDs are better for larger tasks, like servers, where it's constantly working at a high speed, doing small writes on the SSD constantly will lead to it deteriating and becoming obsolete and useless. Recording is something they thrive in, they love to read and write huge files, it's their main purpose. While having an SSD for Arma can be good, SATA 6 is good aswell, or if you really have a lot of hardware, RAMDISKs are FASTER than an SSD (1600MHz RAMDISK reads and writes at over 7000MB/s, whereas, SSDs are at 500MB/s, impressive huh?) There is my 2c.
  7. Found it boring, you were always talking to yourself, which is weird. You got excited about a little drift, I think everyone has done at least 40 of them, you get all these vehicles, and no footage how, where is the survival? All I see is someone that is mucking around trying to get views by making things better than what they seem. Sorry for the harsh feedback. :/
  8. I think tourettes or AIDs would just be insulting people that have it in real life, I personally don't like when people make fun of tourettes or AIDs, could you imagine in real life having tourettes with a broken leg, swinging it uncontrollably, would that not hurt so much you would want death? Example; My heart goes out to anyone with Tourettes. Being deaf, is also tragic, but if it was temporary in-game, I guess it could play as a burden.
  9. Sounds nice, coming on with me clan soon.
  10. GSG Admins are admin abusers, me and 2 of my mates were playing their taviana server, I had a lee enfield, mate had a mk12 spr, we stole it from an admin, whom TP'ed behind me. The same admin TP'ed to the deerstand after dying with an as50, aswell as the admin chopper floating above us shooting at us. Scumbags banned us later, for 'hacking'..
  11. Hey guys, I'm trying to record a few little clips of me playing DayZ, My Specs: CPU = Intel i5 3570K MOBO = Intel DZ77BH-55K GPU = GeForce GTX 560 OC PSU = Corsair CX600 Builder Series HDD = Seagate Barracuda 2TB (SATA 6) I can run DayZ Maxed out, 60+ FPS, but when I record the footage stutters, I have found the issue is my hard drive, I'm getting around 100MB/s Write speed. I have checked my sata ports on my mobo, they are all fine, HDD is in the right spot. Can anyone share their SATA 6 HDD Write speed so I can compare, and see what's wrong with mine?
  12. Thank you for your reply, I get around 40-50FPS in Cities. It is an I/O issue, I can assure, I was recording to a RAMDISK, and it didn't budge from the video-fps limit, which I had set (I use DXTORY).
  13. The problem lies with the modem, try updating firmware and tweaking NAT settings, I have this same issue on one of my modems, and on the other one (Same computer..) it's completely fine.
  14. I can help. I'm a Java programmer.
  15. ttghusky@live.com.au


    I can dish out an AS50 for 2 ghillie suits, pm me server and meeting time.
  16. Will trade you all your needs, for a DMR and an SVD.
  17. Throw smoke next to them and make them piss bolt from the zombies. Then shoot their leg. :D
  18. ttghusky@live.com.au

    Bootcamp Mac?

    Add more than 200GB, I ran 200GB Windows, in the intention of it being my main OS (through bootcamp, on a mac) I could run DayZ on medium, recording would go all bad, but if you're on the right drivers, It's really quite smooth. You will be fine.
  19. Hey, Thanks for the nice response, Slowly getting my clan to get rMod. We're all legit players and none of us hack, I hope to see you on the server P.S : Our clan tag is [CentreZone], Are we able to be set to ?