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Everything posted by killxdexgods

  1. Is there a specific version arma II is supposed to be on ? I have everything updated http://gyazo.com/b4e...8b74672a2299c07 But when i launch it i only get 2 servers. I also check off the hide unofficial and wrong arma II version but when i uncheck them both I get 3,000 server listings After about 20 servers the rest have 10000 ping http://gyazo.com/3fd...065f1b40a09a7e7 Ive also tried joining like 7 servers that are greyed out but it disconnects me and says wrong version. Any Ideas? Ah Messed up the tittle. Meant to say why does it only show 2 servers? My bad.
  2. killxdexgods

    Why doesnt all but 2 servers show up?

    I guess I'll just wait till the stand alone version.
  3. killxdexgods

    Why doesnt all but 2 servers show up?

    They are the same 20 servers just rearranged. I re-installed Arma II/Arma II Oa Along with Dzc and Dayz. Also with the max ping slider if i moved it from default no servers show up because when the servers show up their ping is 10000 but when i click on the server it acutally updates to the real ping like so. http://gyazo.com/4dcfa70a515feb0d5ad549604799ff4d
  4. killxdexgods

    Why doesnt all but 2 servers show up?

    I did that all 4.6k servers showed up http://gyazo.com/f19db41fcc7520be37fa7c5df9034677 98% of them are greyed out After i hid the locked and un official it only comes up with 27 servers with only about half of them joinable http://gyazo.com/f7a3e7010baf3af58da6b099dc208c18 I have already re-installed dzc should i re-install arma II / arma II oa?
  5. killxdexgods

    Why doesnt all but 2 servers show up?

    Thats one of the problems if i do that every other one is <1% like this http://i46.tinypic.com/29w9wcm.png