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Tempus (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Tempus (DayZ)

  1. Tempus (DayZ)

    YouTube 60 FPS

    There's a workaround for Firefox: Activate HTML5: http://www.youtube.com/html5. Activate Media Source Extensions: In "about:config" change "media.mediasource.enabled" to "true".
  2. Tempus (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Of course he is, he spares no effort to try to get inspiration for zombie behavior in the standalone. Here's a recently uncovered, highly sensitive picture of him doing research on another secret project:
  3. Tempus (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

    As seen in the H1Z1 discussion thread. By the way, this legendary thread should be moved to the DayZ Gallery, or more appropriately and to avoid confusion, the general Off-topic. It shouldn't be left behind.
  4. Tempus (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Just saw Rocket again on Steam. He seems awfully happy for some reason.
  5. Tempus (DayZ)

    NCP survivors

    I agree. I disagree. I think NPCs of any kind are limiting the experience. Encouraging players to trade is a huge field of potential for this game. There's a risk to encounter that sort of behavior, yeah, but there are chances, too: having memorable or funny moments, establishing friendships or feuds, that sort of thing. With NPCs there's only monotony in my opinion. I do hope Rocket doesn't change his mind about them.
  6. Tempus (DayZ)


    I'm okay with the price. Of course I wouldn't have minded for it to be 5-10€ less, but it's not unreasonable as it is. And no, I wouldn't have paid any price. In fact, I wouldn't have bought the game (as an alpha) for anything above 30€ as a matter of principle, regardless of how much of a "fan" I am. Also, I do like the fact the "Supporter Edition" (i.e. Collector's/Special Edition) doesn't contain special in-game items, but (apart from supporting the devs) some other digital goodies. I do hope this "no special in-game items"-policy is here to stay.
  7. The SVN server was empty and locked for about 20 minutes, now it's back. Don't believe him! Actually do, orlok seems trustworthy.
  8. I'd rather occupy Berezino. Btw, the real player count of players on the server can be found here, if I'm not mistaken: http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
  9. And why do you wear a mask? All this spicy talk is getting me hungry, time to eat and check out if Rocket's stream is going to show something interesting!
  10. It's a funny clip, no shame in giving beans to it. If you don't think it's funny, don't give beans, but don't get all snobby hipster about it. :P Also, when there's no real news (besides #ITSHABBENINGICANFEELIT or #stewpidrocketnevergonnarelease), trying to keep the spirits high must be a good thing, no?
  11. Tempus (DayZ)

    I need a friend

    We've all been there, mate. Don't let it discourage you! As I only play DayZ with 2-3 close friends I know IRL (I'm kinda reserved like that), I can't help you... I do hope you find a cool partner or group to have fun with, though! ^_^
  12. Tempus (DayZ)

    a friend in need

    I'm afraid that's not what I was trying to imply. I might be wrong though, which would be even sadder. Granted, regardless of what you think, spewing insults and hate is never helpful or constructive.
  13. Tempus (DayZ)

    a friend in need

    Honestly, I don't get all the hate and rage in this thread neither. But in my eyes, you got the wrong perspective, at least that's my impression. Damn, I totally just dropped a picture here. Well, I'm just gonna leave it here, feel free to disregard! About what is described in this "story" itself: I don't much care for that sort of behavior.
  14. Tempus (DayZ)

    Auto-run button.

    There already is a fairly recent thread about this: Auto-run button.
  15. I have to agree with this - maybe the flashlight attachment let everything else appear that dim (which would be cool indeed), but if not, it seems a little too dark for my taste, too. It has nothing to do with being unrealistic or less "hardcore", but imagine yourself in the middle of nowhere without some kind of flashlight, not being able to see shit. That doesn't sound like fun, and even worse, it would lead to either cranking the gamma/brightness up like hell or changing the server. Sometimes, moderate compromises to realism have to be made for a game to be playable.
  16. Tempus (DayZ)

    German Dayz startet nicht CRC-Prüfung

    Hast du den letzten Beta-Patch für Arma 2 OA installiert (hier ganz oben in grün)? Hast du sichergestellt, dass deine Versionen von Arma, DayZ und DayZ Origins aktuell sind (oben rechts im Commander auf "Install/Update" klicken und in der Liste nachschauen, ob deine Version "Up to date" ist)? Kenne mich leider mit Origins nicht aus und kann daher nicht auf spezifische Fehler damit eingehen. Aber wenn die Dinge, die ich genannt habe, nicht gegeben sind, könnten deine Fehler sehr gut daran liegen, denke ich.
  17. Your discussion inspired me to do this:
  18. Accidental banditry confirmed.
  19. Let me help you: - I would like for Rocket to be more focused on the questions and going into more detail answering them, he's a little too distracted playing the game. - Rocket's volume is way too high up, he should turn it down a bit. Often times, it's not what you say, it's how you say it. Also, I'm disagreeing with you here, I like to see him play and experience the game. Most of the questions have been answered countless times before and to get a feel for the general gameplay there's nothing better than just to see someone playing the game.
  20. Yeah, something like a lot of Pepsis. But I don't mind, I've got Whisky and I'm enjoying the show!
  21. I'm just gonna repost this from Reddit as I think it's hilarious and appropriate. Nice cameo by orlok by the way.
  22. That's totally not true, if you open Google Maps or an atlas, we are totally centered! Right in the middle!
  23. Don't forget the creation of beautiful vehicles of DayZ hype! Sure thing, I'd suggest a German server, we're pretty much in the middle for everyone. *insert sneaky smirk gif here*
  24. Why are you guys so serious and bitter? I imagine them having a Christmas celebration, seeing that train, going *CHOO CHOO* and making a picture of it. I wouldn't mind the alpha being released, too. But your existence shouldn't cling to it, neither should you lose all your humor and joy over it!
  25. You sure this wasn't supposed to go into Hosty's mindduck-thread?