I dont really know what happened but i cant play on any server. Yesterday i was gonna play with some friends, but the server they played on required the beta patch of arma 2. so i used this patch http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php then i on the recommendation of my friend used this installer http://cdn.armafiles.info/installer/dwarden-simpler-installers/DayZ-online-with-shortcuts.exe After all that had been installed i set out to play dayz. Using the shortcut created by the installer i started the game, joined the same server(UK7). When i connected i noticed that instead where it usually say ''using modified file |britisharmedforces|privatemilitarycompany'' it instead showed a seemingly random amount of letters, shortly after i was kicked from server, with the message being(dont remember exactly): Kicked from server - gamehack #26. after that i cannot play on any server, either i get kicked immediately or the kicked from server message. Is there any help i can get with this issue or am i out of luck? Edit: It appears i am able to join some servers(UK kicks me of instantly) however the text that tell wich version of battleye the server require i red, is that something i should be concerned about? Have a continued good day and a pleasant night, HadHad