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Everything posted by j1phantom

  1. Hello Kyle. I've added you on Skype. Hopefully we'll chat soon.
  2. Hi all, Phantom One are a new group that currently consists of myself (J1 Phantom) and my brother (P1 Phantom). We own one public server running the Cherno map (just search Phantom One). A couple of rules to being in our group: 1.) Must be at least 18 years old 2.) Must be living in the UK 3.) Must speak English 4.) Must have Skype. (We'll be looking into TeamSpeak very soon) Reply here or add me on Skype (jekennedy33).
  3. j1phantom

    "Day'z The Walking Dead" Recruitment

    Sounds perfect! Email sent.
  4. j1phantom

    Looking for a Mate or A Squad

    If you're looking for a clan then Phantom One currently has two members. My brother and I. (We're very new) We have our own public server running the Cherno map. If you want to join our clan could you please just state: 1.) Age 2.) Location 3.) What time do you usually play 4.) What role are you looking to play in a squad