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About deejjae

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. replying to your pst. im 21 play a hero on dayz. can bandit if thats what u like. i know almost all maps. cherno i can go with out a map. i can take a joke and like to goof around at times. love to sneak up and kill ppl with a hatchet or chainsaw :) .. i add u know steam should be same name as on here. can download skype or just use the voice chat in steam seems to work well. i use fraps to record but dont have a editor yet. just looking to have some fun and record it. message me on steam if u wana group up and see how it works out.
  2. Name:deejjae Age:21 Time Zone: cali west coast Country:usa Are you willing to commit to the NCR?:yes Preferred Job: Pilot..sniper..gunner.. Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR:Been playing dayz sense it came out and ive lead a clan for about 7 months. im a hero so i always help fresh spawns get gear or give them a lift. only shoot when shot at and i hardly miss my shot. looking for a good squad that work together and know what they are doing.
  3. i have arma 2 combined operations and now im trying to download dayz but when i click the link it dont do anything. i download the 6 downloader. any help would be nice.