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Everything posted by seanmcm157

  1. Total of topic but who understands this Gloss heavyhands Lol Pumped for the SA
  2. seanmcm157

    My first survivor kill??

    So I was playing on one of the AVAgaming tavarna maps and was about 20 clicks north of the castle ( I presume there is only one ) I was looking for a vehicle as I am fully looted up with survival gear and a vehicle would have made a nice addition. Anyhow I climbed this massive tower thinking I could get a better view from the top... I spotted one of those big jumbo planes, so I must have been close to an air port?? The server was going to restart so I didn't bother making my way down the tower to the plane.... Once the server restarted I rejoined and it logged me in at the castle??? Instead of my last known location, any who soon as I spawned I also noticed a fellow survivor spawn on the out walls of the castle, I was on the roof? Of the castle I lost view of the survivor pretty quick so I decided to slowly make my way down the stairs, I then spotted the survivor before he spotted me and I was talking in direct chat to tell him to stop moving and do not look up, sooo he did stop moving and did not look up... But I now realise that was because he was looting a loot pile... He then continued to move up the stairs I told him to dnt come up the stairs I fired a warning shot but then he turned, looked at me fired a shot, and I killed him on the spot. So I went down to loot his body but then for some reason my ping went crazy and I was kicked from the game:( I do think the guy was friendly but he must not have herd me.
  3. seanmcm157

    My first survivor kill??

    Yea was writing that post up while I was at work on my iPhone so my syntax is just a mess lol. Yea well I had left the castle until the game restarted then the game decided to spawn me there. I don't think the guy I killed got me kicked I think my ping just peaked like from 50-60 to 300-400, think my flate mate was torrenting or something.
  4. seanmcm157

    My first survivor kill??

    So I was playing on one of the AVAgaming tavarna maps and was about 20 clicks north of the castle ( I presume there is only one ) I was looking for a vehicle as I am fully looted up with survival gear and a vehicle would have made a nice addition. Anyhow I climbed this massive tower thinking I could get a better view from the top... I spotted one of those big jumbo planes, so I must have been close to an air port?? The server was going to restart so I didn't bother making my way down the tower to the plane.... Once the server restarted I rejoined and it logged me in at the castle??? Instead of my last known location, any who soon as I spawned I also noticed a fellow survivor spawn on the out walls of the castle, I was on the roof? Of the castle I lost view of the survivor pretty quick so I decided to slowly make my way down the stairs, I then spotted the survivor before he spotted me and I was talking in direct chat to tell him to stop moving and do not look up, sooo he did stop moving and did not look up... But I now realise that was because he was looting a loot pile... He then continued to move up the stairs I told him to dnt come up the stairs I fired a warning shot but then he turned, looked at me fired a shot, and I killed him on the spot. So I went down to loot his body but then for some reason my ping went crazy and I was kicked from the game:( I do think the guy was friendly but he must not have herd me.
  5. seanmcm157

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Like frankieonpcin1080p said on one of his videos, you do not have all you're senses when playing so you need a little more help filling in those sense that can not be used because its just a game so third person helps out in that sort of way.
  6. seanmcm157

    Looking for active Australian group.

    Sweet, ill be on tonight, don't think the server has side chat enabled tho.
  7. seanmcm157

    Looking for active Australian group.

    Yea I do it's aVagaming.com.au #2 Taviana v2.0 [uTC+4] Private Hive Well I'm fairly new to the game and this server seems fairly good. I'm currently trying to get whitelisted for a few other servers so I don't have to deal with scripters
  8. seanmcm157

    Looking for active Australian group.

    Ill be keen to roll with you, lonewolfing becomes tiresome. In Also from AU and am 25
  9. Hey man I'm also sick of lone wolfing, want to team up, as long as you're not a script kiddie or hacker. Lol Also from Au Age: 25
  10. seanmcm157

    whitelisted servers

    Sorry if there's a thread on this already but I can not find the search function on this app :/ Can someone point me in the direction of how to join whitelisted servers, preferable for AU. Also are they worth joining, are there less hackers??
  11. seanmcm157

    whitelisted servers

    Ok cool, cannot see sig in this app so will have todo it wen I get home from work. Thanx anyhows.
  12. seanmcm157

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    I also play with a controller but I use xpadder so I have more than enough buttons for the game including lean and free look, I can send u my set up file if u want to try it.
  13. seanmcm157

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    They band my friend for no reason, then unbanned him and the banned him again then he went on the forums to discuss his situation and got banned from there lol, bit of a joke, and for some reason warz has never been stable on my pc it crashes it every time I play.
  14. I also use the Xbox controller to play dayz, but I use xpadder so I have more than enough buttons to use all the functions as u can overlap keys and what not.
  15. As above title says, thanks to the help of warZ, FrankieonPc DayZ eps and other countless you tube vids have now persuaded me to get ARMA 2....
  16. seanmcm157

    Arma 2 just got my purchase ( because of DayZ )

    yea, lol i just couldnt hold out for the standalone, plus 35 bucs for Arma2, combined operations and OP Arrowhead and the dayz mod is not a bad price. Edit: oh yea just got the dayz download comander and now doing all the update stuff.