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Everything posted by dale0404

  1. dale0404

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    All after me...... Utes! Utes!!! Utes!!!!!!! Utes!!!!!!!!!! Another game blowing tactical choice to make.
  2. dale0404

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    I actually have 2 F5 buttons, just in case 1 fails.
  3. dale0404

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    ERR, and here! My kids think I have gone loopy... probably true lol.
  4. dale0404

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    3 words: Fucking loving this!!!!
  5. 1 post and you come out with that drivel? Get back under that rock you popped out from. If your planning on staying then sort out your attitude, oh and read before you post.... :rolleyes:
  6. I would definately say that it would mate, the mod supports joysticks (aka Arma 2) so the SA will do to.
  7. dale0404

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    Fixed that for ya, I hope!
  8. dale0404

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    Fantastic news, first I heard about this was on twitter via Rocket. Get them home to their families, spend some quality time at home gents, you deserve it.
  9. I get your point buddy I really do, but if you are playing as part of a clan then using TS3 / Vent etc is really the only viable option if you want to meet up with your mates in the game, Your clan mate tells you where to meet, you get there eventually... then start using the in game chat system. But I can imagine alot of people sticking to TS3 / Vent if they use it. Not sure what ideas have been mentioned about the in game chat system apart from disabling side / group chat etc. Anyone care to mention if the chat system has had an overhaul for the SA?
  10. You need to explain mate how using TS3 or Vent etc is classed as cheating? Any chance of a few more mouth watering screenshots! please with cherries on top!!!!
  11. dale0404

    Tips for a quality DayZ

    err, 42?
  12. Cant wait for this either mate. So many subtle (and no so subtle) differences. Dont we all mate, dont we all...
  13. dale0404

    DayZ Standalone streaming topic

    My way of thinking buddy.
  14. dale0404

    DayZ Standalone streaming topic

    Hopefully not, be nice just to have 1 thread reference streaming...
  15. dale0404

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    Hi gents, Would it be possible to set up another Q + A with eithe Matt or Rocket? If so could you set up another forum thread where the forum members ask the questions? Say, 1 post 1 question in that thread as it were, no more no less? Then pick the best 20 or most popular questions in the thread to ask? Might need to ask more questions than 20 though!!! :)
  16. Hi mate, I am sure you have seen the posts where it has been confirmed that the SA will ship with "Chernarus +", I also seem to remember that textures and the feel of the map etc will be quite different from what we know Chernarus to be now. You might well get your "Stalker" feel to the game afterall...
  17. dale0404

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    I agree with you there RubenT, lets see what is in the game first before people start mouthing off.... If it does what it says on the tin then I will be a happy man!
  18. dale0404

    The sniper with brown pants.

    Nice story, see friends CAN play together!!!! :P
  19. dale0404

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    All good info there, so its getting released in a few weeks, right, RIGHT??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!/1!1/12!?!!!?!?!1!?13?
  20. Actually I dont care, I wont be playing it!!!
  21. Anyway, about this interview....
  22. Yay, btw I am available for beta testing from Monday.... :P
  23. dale0404

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Just been told that it's out soon....
  24. dale0404

    Need NVG heres a Trick!

    Its called the passage of time dude! :P