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Excession (DayZ)

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About Excession (DayZ)

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  1. Excession (DayZ)

    New Combat Roll Animation

    Since people keep talking about the mod having realism as the sole basis, the combat roll is more realistic, and less stupid, than being able to hold two rifles plus ammo in a backback, while holding another rifle in your hands and constantly running everywhere. A few post's back, someone also had a dig at the community dev team for adding this, yet whenever anyone questions changes that are made/will be made to DayZ the mod, Razor points to Rocket, and claims he said change it. So if you dont like it, blame Rocket, as he must have said yes, thats fine, add the combat roll.
  2. Excession (DayZ)

    New Combat Roll Animation

    Well. since it is completely optional, if you dont like the new combat roll, dont do the new combat roll. You can still run up to a fence, and do the old vault over it if you really want to. Of all the things that are wrong/broken/unrealistic in the mod, this is what you want to moan about?
  3. Hey, no worries, you are most welcome, glad I could help. Now, have a coke and a smile, and shut the fuck up.
  4. Reading is not one of your strong points is it? Obviously you missed this What will you complain about next I wonder?......
  5. Sure, watching you try to do it is no proof....., the Admin logging in to your coordinates is not proof...... You even lied about the SUV, claiming you were trying to hide it behind the base, even though you had your own base you could have driven it to and parked it inside, and closed the gate, nice and safe. Once again, just to be clear, we watched you drive round the base, we then watched you drive the SUV into the wall behind the base, get out and glitch into the container wall, then log out. If you did not mean to glitch into the wall, why didnt you park the SUV in your own base? why did you ram the SUV into the container wall? why didnt you ask why you were in the container wall? why did you log out right away? Answer to each question is simple, you were trying to glitch into the base. You cant even get my TS3 rank right, I am a TS Admin, not an MH Admin, not the server Admin, TS Admin. But please, carry on denying that you did anything at all to get banned, carry on posting on your Polish forum thread about the injustice of it all, carry on crying about it wherever you like, it wont change anything.
  6. Ata, or [EC]Peek, whichever you prefer, you can deny it all you like, it changes nothing, you were seen trying to glitch through the wall of a base, by an Admin that was in the base, and myself who was outside the base behind your SUV. You logged out stuck in the container, and an Admin set their coordinates to your coordinates and logged in, to see exactly where you were. We saw you trying it, it is that simple. I will say it again, to make sure you understand, we saw you trying it. An admin does not have to come here to give proof of anything either, it is a private server, if the admin really wanted to ban for no reason, they could just ban you for being you, but they did not, they banned you for trying to cheat. By the way, about the slogan, do not quit your day job.
  7. Yes, obviously you disagree, and yes, they could have driven away, and then what? you still would have made a post complaining about unkillable admins. Some people just like to complain, and make others look bad. The community on UK1, know how the admins work, they know they are not playing the game, they know they are there making sure all the changes they have made are working as intended (and they have made a lot of changes, this really is a custom private server), and they like the server because of that. You dont like it, thats fine, other people might, and they are free to give it a go and see for themselves.
  8. What about it? You posted screenshots, that show that the Admins explained what happened. They were not running around playing the game as normal players, they were checking loot spawns, then went to check claims someone was hacking, they got fired upon while checking something out, fired back (which perhaps they should not have done), and then you use it as ammunition against them, calling them twats, etc etc. Really, who are the twats? the Admins for actually trying to Admin the server, or players calling the Admins twats for actually trying to Admin the server?
  9. The worst thing about this server, is that I play on it. As far as [EC]Peek's post is concerned, it is so full of BS, I dont really know where to start. Lets look at his claim of an Admin being top bandit killer, go check dayzmad.com, you will see it is Astrozombie, and has been for the last month or so, Astrozombie is not a server admin, so false information from Peek there. Do the Admins have god mode on? yes, they do, they even tell everyone on the server that they do, they also wear the skin with the red beret, so everyone can see it is them, and they do not go around playing the game as normal players do, randomly killing people, in fact, they are more likely to pick up new spawns and give them a lift than anything else. Peek's claims about the forum, sure, the forum is moderated taking into account that most of the people that use it, are adults, and that they use adult language. Peek is unhappy about this for one reason, there was a post made by somebody who does not speak English as a first language, so they typed in Russian, and then gave the Google Translate translation of what it was they typed, so Peek (being Polish, and not liking Russians) decided it would be a good idea to take the piss out of the guy for typing in Russian, and was told, in adult language, that if he didnt like it, he didnt have to read it. Peek is also upset because he got caught trying to cheat, by using an SUV to glitch through the walls of a base, while he was trying this, he was blissfully unaware that an admin was actually in the base at the time, and watching him, so he was seen attempting it, was called out on it, and decided to lie, and give the admin abuse about it, so he was banned. The facts are, if you want to play on a private server, where you have plenty of vehicles to find and claim, player bases that you can find, take over and defend, parachute spawns, custom crash sites with custom loot spawns, Admins that actually admin the server, and actively remove cheats and script kiddies, has a good community ( well, its good if you ignore me ;p ) made up of bandits and survivors, then UK1 is a server you want to take for a test drive.
  10. Have ammunition actually be loaded into a gun properly. Currently in the mod, lets say you have an M4 SD, and 4 x Stanag SD mags in your inventory. What happens is, you load your M4 SD, so it now has 30 rounds in it, but you still have 4 x Stanag SD mags in your inventory, when you should only have 3x Stanag SD mags in there. It is the same for every gun, and every type of ammunition. If you are making a stand alone game, do it properly, make loading ammo into a gun actually load ammo into it.
  11. You have a gun, you have a mag to put in it, but when you place the mag into the gun, it still sits there as a seperate item in your inventory. They cant make loaded Ammo be carried properly, do you really think they will get part used mags to work how you want?
  12. Excession (DayZ) Tents and Vehicle Inventories not saving.

    Seeing the exact same thing on two other servers, neither of which are HFB. Some tents that already had items in still have those items, but any new items added, do not get saved, they just vanish. Taking items out just dupes items, as they reappear in the tents. Vehicles location is saved, but contents are not. It seems as though the DB is broken with regards to content updates/saves for tents and vehicles.
  13. Excession (DayZ)

    Tents, why Admin with so many tents

    Ok, so you think a little script kiddie or hacker that spawns in items is wrong, but having players exploit something so they can dupe shit (which is equal to spawning items in) is fine and should be enjoyed..... And people wonder why this mod is going downhill.....
  14. Excession (DayZ)

    UK 1 Server, private hive / abuse

    Ok, I will use small words, and try to type slowly so you can understand... You are obviously butthurt over it, or you would not be here, in this thread, which would also not be here if you were not butthurt. The way you are acting, is the way a baby acts when they are told no, they spit their dummy out and cry, you can continue to cry if you want, but it changes nothing. As for still being friends, sure, I will add you to my christmas card list. by the way, last reply from me, bored of this now.
  15. Excession (DayZ)

    Tent City US 546 come get your loot

    I personally have the opinion that anyone using a hacked item is just as bad as the person that hacked/scripted it in. I find it ridiculous that people think it is not ok to hack/script something in to the game that should not be there, but it is ok to use hacked/scripted items as long as someone else did the hacking/scripting.