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Posts posted by aVIOLATED+_-monkey

  1. I never called you a child, I called you a self entitled ninny, which you are clearly being. As for the E3 release, I don't recall that. I recall the "it has to be out by the end of the year(2012) it has to." And do you know what? WarZ came out and bombed like the massive pile of shit that it is. Dean and the dev team didn't want that so they set about creating a new engine off of an old one, new textures, new models, new everything. So effectively it's only been in development for a year. The previous years work had been scrapped. 



    Ironically you post a snarky comment calling people "grown ups" to imply that they're children. Then 3 posts later you post this drivel? Throwing words around like nerds. If anything YOU are the one who always has to be right, YOU always have to seem to have a superior attitude, and apparently intellect since you're throwing words around like ignorance. By all means. Fuck off back to what ever you deem important. Because the unfounded twaddle you type here is nothing short of a joke. 

    You fanboys are so fucked in the head one-eyed parrot knobs.

    Stop going on like you know whats going on, while you dribble on rockets e-penis while he keeps you in the basement feeding you a big box of fuck-all.

    P.S. NONE of you cocksmokers are devs either so stop talking as though you are.


    So now flame this child and slap those people you DONT know on the back about how shit my view is you Nazi's.


    [user warned.]

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  2. Oh my bad, I clearly should have assumed (but that would have been disrespectul of me) that by "Why do you complain about Snipers and Bandits?", you really meant "Snipers and Bandits are the shit so don't complain about them!" STUPID ME!

    Also I think you are a three time world champion bullshit juggler because talking to you is like talking to a wall. I didn't say I knew everything because of what I do, I said I understand better than most the evil nature of humanity and that is true no matter how much you want to word it. Working 12 hr night shifts, everyother weekend, 180 days a year you are going to see things and deal with things that everyday people who go to work and are in bed by 9pm don't even know about. This is a fact. Get over yourself. It isn't unintelligent...It's common sense. I'm done talking about my job with you, but I will point out that it proves that you assuming I don't know shit about people or human nature was truly the disrespectful comment. Your whole post is one big blob of hypocrisy. You call me out for assuming I know everything yet you cite 30 year old backpage news as "common knowledge" and then if that's not good enough you tell me YOUR occupation right after you got done preaching about how any occupation bears no merit?

    "PS: I am a Paramedic, with a History Degree and a Three Time World Champion Fire Juggler.... I don't claim to understand more than most people."

    Isn't your whole post claiming to understand everything better than I do?

    Please spare me...I can tell this conversation isn't going anywhere with you because you are about as stubborn as I am. My post was meant to answer your question and to offer to other readers an idea on how to have fun with this game. If you don't want assholes like me responding to your open ended questions on a public forum, private message someone who cares.

    Yes stupid you, please jump off your high horse and remove head from anus. Cop? Sure pfffft

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  3. The spawning system is awesome...for snipers and bandits.

    Just sit/camp at one of the predictable spawning locations/loot and let the game bring them to you.If the pickings slow down,just server hop for some more spawn kills.

    OP has a cool story when you leave out what is really going on.


    I have never ever been shot by a sniper or bandit as a fresh spawn, though I hear it is common, is it really so prevalant that there are snipers at every single spawn location? If you are looting a high traffic area or "predictable" as you put it, the survivor should be aware of this and perhaps choose another location or scout the surroundings first. If you are on the beach, well you have nothing anyway and yes I know it's frustrating, but there are alot of servers out there. I also believe there are alot of players, including myself that flank these locations in the hopes of finding a sniper with his guard down. If you can't handle this kind of PvP your choices are to join a PH with all friendly, no KOS vehicle overload or to persevere and enjoy all aspects of the game, even if it doesn't go your way all the time. I am getting sick of the pessimistic attitudes about the parts of the game that are vital. If you dont like the feeling that some one could be watching you down the end of their scope at any time.... don't play DayZ.


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  4. have you ever been in a firefight were cleary you were winning and some of the opposing side surrender and you don't want to kill them cos its a bit dishonourable so you take them prisoner but your still suspicious they might pull your 1911 out of your backpack and light you up what if you could cuff them. the cuffs would prevent them picking up anything and they would come off after some time 30 mins maybe i dunno add your 2 beans

    Dude have you even read the forums?

    This topics still going elsewhere.......read dont type

  5. Oh my geez again the issue is NOT delay. The issue is basically saying nothing about it. Only idiots would be complaining about delay if he or the CEO or ANYONE at BI who works on DayZ said. "We feel additional time is needed to present DayZ in a matter our customers hope and expect. We look forward to showing more in the new year! Happy Holidays!"

    Silence is not good... Period. Especially these days where a twitter takes less than 30 seconds to write and post.

    And no his silence (Atleast for now) Is not going to change my plans to purchase this game. It is just unfortunate and makes me feel sad as a customer.

    Yes, fucking yes.....anyone about to flame just look at the first line above. The silence is well fucking ridiculous, ive been playing games for 20+ years i should be used to this shit.

    But when someone comes along with great communication and enthusiasm i thought, finally a gamer/developer who gives a shit....but sadly i think it's a ruse to sell more units

    of arma2 over steam sales.

    I just hope Rocket hasnt been mussled over this period by BI.......because they may have cost him his rep.

    This posted by a DAYZ addict

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  6. Lol i thought this post would get some epic replies... But all i have gotten so far is seriousness. My efforts to be funny have failed immensely and now i will go kill myself.

    Bit sad isnt it....after rocket being a bit of a soft on, the forums are mainly full of brown nosing half-smarts.

    I do agree it would be nice to urinate on said owner of bambis....but maybe only after kd for bambi raper goes beyond 10:1.

  7. Sounds boring.

    And destined to get a lot more so with no KOS, have experienced 2 servers now that implement that rule.....slow death of pvp.

    On a brighter note you will have clans all over the place doing safe trades and lame shit like that, mainly because they have that much gear and noone to fight.

    ty :)

    btw: safe camps released. visit forum for more information. online shop soon online.

    Oh good, thats not fucked up either.

  8. Thats awesome :)

    Just giving my honest opinion, this picture is about as dumb as you, and about as pointless as your existance.

    U really have nothing else to do, do u? U sad scottish git.

    Why dont u go out in your kilt and do some hockey u loser. Thats how I picture you, you in your roller skates kilt and hockey stick rollin around probably being stared at by people wondering wtf is wrong with you.

    Asshat probably just lives in a cave like environment with no windows and no sunlight ever touching his skin, I wouldn't be suprised if your on this forum every single hour of every day.

    Hey im looking forward to your new vid mate.........thats right they're so fucking shit unlike some funny stuff like this.

    Maybe you just wanted a dapper pig :(......

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