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Everything posted by slyrez

  1. my old computer could barely run dayz. but i had no problems with hackers. i saved up money, didnt play dayz for about 2 months but now when i play with my new comp all i run into these days is a hacker. i get my good gun lots of food and drink and start heading to a military base only to be spawned in a arena. the only reason i have died is because of a hacker. im not playing anymore until there is a way to avoid hackers. what do you guys recomend. is there any good servers. im so annoyed with this game. i just want to play without a hacker killing me within 2 hours thanks
  2. slyrez

    Guide on looting

    hey im getting the hang of dayz. i love the game. i just dont know how to loot. first what does the icon with the bullets mean and what does the icon with the gun with the arrows around it mean. i was playing yesterday and i came across a dead body. a good one! he had military clothing and an m4 rifle. i opened the loot menu and it only showed empty cans? i didnt see a gun on him anywhere or any ammo. ive heard people say use the scroll wheel. How do you use the scroll wheel in looting and how to you loot everything. thanks.