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About noisemedia

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. noisemedia

    Looking for fun, mature group to play with

    Sounds like this is right up my alley. Im so sick of hacked party busses flying around maps and being teleported into the ocean. Ill be signing up on your site straight away.
  2. noisemedia

    Your First Kill

    Good story man. I really wanted to be in the TMW but I never heard back from them about the whole training thing. Was it worth going through their "requirements" and all that? Id really enjoy more tactical, coordinated gameplay with other people who are more "mature" about the game.
  3. Hey guys I posted this in another thread but I thought Id post it here too. Hopefully thats not a big deal. Somehow I've managed to play the game almost daily since October without ever having to kill anyone...until yesterday. I was on my way to Balota to meet a group of various "friendlies". Just outside of Cherno, near the construction zone on the outskirts to the east. I decided to try and make my way to the hospital in an attempt to pick up some blood bags, morphine, and various medical supplies. Just a minor stop along the way, "Ive done it before, no big deal" I tell myself. I began to approach a small shack just outside the construction zone. Being aware of my vulnerability - with the treeline a few yards away, I was completely exposed to snipers or anyone else who could be lurking nearby. I was crawling through the grass trying to avoid a small group of zombies when it happened. That quick gray flash, the sudden shaking, and that unmistakable sign of being shot ran its way through body. Again, and again. Things went blurry and the world lost color. I turned around in the apparent direction of the shots. I looked at the screen and via voice chat I hear something to the effect of "I'm gonna kill you f*cker" from a player we'll call "Kenneth". His voice revealed he was maybe twelve years old at most with that all too obvious obnoxious tone of those who feel completely protected via the screen between them and the virtual world. The first shot had broken a limb, the following rounds ran right through me. I was dying. Bleeding out. As the world began to blur I watched him approach me from the treeline holding a DMR or some other rifle, maybe an Enfield...at this point nothing mattered. Before losing consciousness I turned around to face Kenneth as he stood over me, just staring blankly, probably looting my meager supply of freshly spawned items. I was still alive and he didnt know it. Lying there face to face with my attacker I realized his greed and inexperience had gotten the better of him. He didn't wait for the inevitable buzzing of flies and stillness. He probably had no idea what he was doing. As my world blurred and the gray slowly overcame me I raised my 1911 and unloaded 7 rounds into young Kenneth, killing him instantly. I had broken my vow of non-lethality in order to save my own life. I left a few choice words for Kenneth over side chat and crawled away on the verge of death leaving his young body and all his supplies where they laid. Needless to say I never made it to Balota. A few minutes later a Chopper landed and a group of hackers put me out of my misery. I thanked them and prepared to respawn. Its strange the way DayZ makes us so aware of our mortality. Even more so it makes us aware of how easily we can take it from other players. I never wanted to be a killer. I never play with the sole purpose of hunting and killing others - I actually routinely make a point of announcing my intentions as a rescue/medic. In reality that usually ends with me getting shot on the way to administer morphine or a transfusion, my vulnerability and apparent weakness is painfully obvious. In the end, I feel a strange satisfaction after killing Kenneth. No remorse, no twinge of guilt or regret. Now that I know the feeling of the kill there's part of me that wonders if or when it will happen again. That was my first kill - self defense against the young, blind, bloodthirsty rage of a young, inexperienced player in a rush for more loot or a better weapon. I suppose it really is kill or be killed out there. In my opinion these experiences and the lessons we learn from them are the very essence of DayZ. Like it or not, this is what we ask for when we enter the wasteland.
  4. noisemedia

    Looking For A Good Commentator (YouTube Series)

    If you dont find someone right away Id love to give it a try. Ive been wanting to do something like this for ages. Let me know!
  5. noisemedia

    Your First Kill

    Strange thing is for how much I lurk on this site this is one of the few times Ive posted anything. Somehow I've managed to play the game almost daily since October without ever having to kill anyone...until yesterday. I was on my way to Balota to meet a group of various "friendlies". Just outside of Cherno, near the construction zone on the outskirts to the east. I decided to try and make my way to the hospital in an attempt to pick up some blood bags, morphine, and various medical supplies. Just a minor stop along the way, "Ive done it before, no big deal" I tell myself. I began to approach a small shack just outside the construction zone. Being aware of my vulnerability - with the treeline a few yards away, I was completely exposed to snipers or anyone else who could be lurking nearby. I was crawling through the grass trying to avoid a small group of zombies when it happened. That quick gray flash, the sudden shaking, and that unmistakable sign of being shot ran its way through body. Again, and again. Things went blurry and the world lost color. I turned around in the apparent direction of the shots. I looked at the screen and via voice chat I hear something to the effect of "I'm gonna kill you f*cker" from a player we'll call "Kenneth". His voice revealed he was maybe twelve years old at most with that all too obvious obnoxious tone of those who feel completely protected via the screen between them and the virtual world. The first shot had broken a limb, the following rounds ran right through me. I was dying. Bleeding out. As the world began to blur I watched him approach me from the treeline holding a DMR or some other rifle, maybe an Enfield...at this point nothing mattered. Before losing consciousness I turned around to face Kenneth as he stood over me, just staring blankly, probably looting my meager supply of freshly spawned items. I was still alive and he didnt know it. Lying there face to face with my attacker I realized his greed and inexperience had gotten the better of him. He didn't wait for the inevitable buzzing of flies and stillness. He probably had no idea what he was doing. As my world blurred and the gray slowly overcame me I raised my 1911 and unloaded 7 rounds into young Kenneth, killing him instantly. I had broken my vow of non-lethality in order to save my own life. I left a few choice words for Kenneth over side chat and crawled away on the verge of death leaving his young body and all his supplies where they laid. Needless to say I never made it to Balota. A few minutes later a Chopper landed and a group of hackers put me out of my misery. I thanked them and prepared to respawn. Its strange the way DayZ makes us so aware of our mortality. Even more so it makes us aware of how easily we can take it from other players. I never wanted to be a killer. I never play with the sole purpose of hunting and killing others - I actually routinely make a point of announcing my intentions as a rescue/medic. In reality that usually ends with me getting shot on the way to administer morphine or a transfusion, my vulnerability and apparent weakness is painfully obvious. In the end, I feel a strange satisfaction after killing Kenneth. No remorse, no twinge of guilt or regret. Now that I know the feeling of the kill there's part of me that wonders if or when it will happen again. That was my first kill - self defense against the young, blind, bloodthirsty rage of a young, inexperienced player in a rush for more loot or a better weapon. I suppose it really is kill or be killed out there. In my opinion these experiences and the lessons we learn from them are the very essence of DayZ. Like it or not, this is what we ask for when we enter the wasteland.
  6. Thanks for the input folks...I really appreciate it!
  7. Sula, I contacted them and submitted the request and all that stuff. thanks for the info guys. in the meantime, if you spot me on a server dont be afraid to ask for help.
  8. Awesome thanks guys. I will check this out... you may see me on there. i suppose at least you'll have an easy target.
  9. Hey guys, I've been playing about a week, pretty much a noob if you still use that term. My goal is to role play as a medic or rescue for lone wolves or small groups. I've done it successfully a few time so far but it's impossible to tell if he's just gonna turn around and kill me afterward. Anyway, I prefer that kind of game play and would be willing to join a small crew or even help someone if you see my name on the server list thingy. Please, opinions and ideas are welcome. I go by noisemedia. Also advice on good servers would appreciated. for better or worse, if you need help let me know, i dont care who you are. its all about karma.