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About Bhruic

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    On the Coast
  1. Bhruic

    My Rant: Why I am Done with the Game.

    Man, these "this isn't CoD/BF3" responses are really getting old. Have people never played CoD/BF3? What the OP is describing is nothing like them. In CoD/BF3, you do shoot everyone on sight. You don't try and make friends with people. You expect there to be camping snipers who are going to peg your ass. What the OP is describing is more aptly described as current generation MMOs. Where when you meet someone, you can ask if they want to group up, go do your quests with them, and not have to worry about them harming you in the slightest. The same complaint can be made about those responding with "this is only an alpha!". Not relevant here. What the OP is complaining about isn't (or shouldn't) be changed in the final release. You should have just as much potential to be killed, you should lose all your gear when you are killed, there should be no "leveling up" or achievement system. If these things bother you, you are playing the wrong game. Expecting the game to change to meet your playstyle is just plain wrong. There's nothing shameful about saying "This isn't the game for me". But acting as if there's something wrong with the game just because it doesn't meet your personal tastes is idiotic. There are plenty of games out there that I personally don't enjoy. You know what I do? I don't play them. With that being said, the OP did at least try and keep things constructive, so I'll give him props for that. But suggestions should be limited to making the game better, not changing it to fit your playstyle.
  2. There are no different "versions", the DE and SWE servers are just mirrors. The files on each are (or should be) identical.
  3. Yup, same thing happened to me with a revolver. Took 4 shots, had 2 left. Tried to reload, and constantly got hit with only 2 shots. Fired those off, and immediately was able to reload to 6 shots. Something is definitely bugged there.
  4. But your own example illustrates my point nicely. No, you can't "prance through cherno" with impunity. If you do that, you suffer consequences. But what are the consequences for someone who's only goal is to spawn, hunt someone down with his starter gear, and try and kill them? Death? Death isn't a consequence, as respawning takes a matter of minutes, after which they can go right back to what they were doing. So people suggest some potential consequences to that sort of behaviour, and are told that such behaviour is perfectly allowed, and there shouldn't be any sort of consequences. So if no consequences should be applied here, why shouldn't the person in your example be allowed to prance through cherno? Why do they get singled out for consequences, but the griefer gets away scott-free? Note, I'm not suggesting in any way that PvP should be removed. I'm simply pointing out that certain behaviour is detrimental as a whole to the game, and having game elements in place to discourage such behaviour wouldn't be unwarranted. I'm sorry, what "holier than thou" attitude? I was under the assumption we were having a rational discussion about this.
  5. Well, now you are moving the goalposts. Yes, people can come up with their own goals, but that doesn't make the goals "right" or "correct" for the game. People can, if they want to, play CoD by going and hiding in a corner and never shooting their gun. They can make it their goal to be a pacifist. But someone telling them they are playing the game "wrong" would likely be correct. As for players being "wrong" for being near griefers, when we can control where we spawn when we die, you might have a point. Certainly, removing yourself from the beach is preferable, but you can't do that instantaneously. And for some spawn locations, it can be exceedingly difficult. Not to mention the fact that the only 5 hospitals in the game are all in cities right by the coast. But that is all tangential to the point. If, as you stated, the only "rule" for the game is survival, then behaviour that is counter-productive to that goal shouldn't be accepted. If there are other goals, then your original suggestion that survival is the only goal isn't true, and the conclusions you made based on that assumption are no longer supported (for example, if the goals are to survive, and cause others to not survive, how is that ruleset any different than standard FPS DM?). An edit for your edit: No one is denying that it happens, but you are using "it happens" as justification for it happening. The issue isn't whether it does happen, but whether it should happen.
  6. Bhruic

    Item Spawning

    http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html That'll answer some of your questions.