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Everything posted by epeenoire

  1. epeenoire

    Where is 0.60?

    I don't share you guys' excitement for modders. They've fucked up dayzmod with "one bazillion vehicles" and "as.50 starting gear"-modes and servers and they're probably going to fuck up this as well as soon as it's opened. I hate to say this but: if this game should ever be considered "good", it got to stay in the hands of the devs. Sure, their pace is ridiculously slow and the information politics sucks, but at least they want this to stay as "hardcore" as it is and they are obviously thinking that joy from playing this game doesn't come from the things modders think are joyful.
  2. epeenoire

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    yes, it is. but quite rarely.
  3. epeenoire

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    They removed them and instead introduced the camo-netting for weapons (1 netting; 2 burlap strips)
  4. epeenoire

    Status Report - Week of 08 Dec 14

    So... any chance this update will hit stable before the Christmas break?
  5. epeenoire

    Grey DayZ

    Turn on tha music & watch out for tha nip slip
  6. epeenoire

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Yeah, I am sorry. I accidently hit the wrong button. Thought no one would mind... :D
  7. epeenoire

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    They deal a considerable amount of more damage than bare knuckles, that's for sure. Yet it takes like 2 or 3 hits to the head to kill a zed
  8. epeenoire

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Even though I almost certainly know that you're just another troll baiting, I will try. My guess is that a considerable amount of time and resources is directed to processes that are not visible to the public - yet. Such as the new renderer. Do mods like Breaking Point for Arma3 have a new renderer? Well. I guess they don't need one since this game already looks pretty decent, but unfortunately, DayZ doesn't.
  9. epeenoire

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Oh yeah, right. I guess we should be reeeeally grateful that they're doing such a great job.
  10. epeenoire

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    How utterly competent.
  11. epeenoire

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    What exactly is the first iteration of central economy doing?
  12. epeenoire

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Oh man. I am not using URLs to keep track of these posts. I use this extremely useful little thing called "notifiactions" on the top right. I use it to get to the exact post I made some quoted. But I can't find it when you merge it into something else. Seems to be lack of a feature. So instead of telling me how to keep track, since I oblviously know how to do that, you could talk to someone who knows this stuff to update this, or otherwise it will lead to these misunderstandings. What a nice way of telling me that I should go fuck myself, btw.
  13. epeenoire

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Both mentioned in here. http://dayz.com/blog/status-report-week-of-15-sept-14 That's exactly what I mean: ppl over here don't know, so I (and others) create threads to be featured in the forums' "recent radio chatter" frame - and then they magically disappear.
  14. epeenoire

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    It was a thread about .49 being out today - at a point of time where no one over here knew that. Also, another thread was deleted about the fact that the Steyr StG77/AUG is going to be in the game. What is wrong with those threads?
  15. epeenoire

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I'm wondering why someone deleted a thread I created. Again.
  16. epeenoire

    Status Report - Week of 15 Sept 14

    I think they won't use that "A1" model though you posted. Hopefully, they'll go for the "A3 SF" one that was designed for the Jagdkommando
  17. epeenoire

    [Maintenance] All Servers Are Down?!

    ...or someone did something wrong. Last paragraph of first part http://dayz.com/blog/status-report-week-of-15-sept-14
  18. epeenoire

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    It's quite likely that it'll happen this upcoming wednesday. Well, at least that's what one can hope for
  19. epeenoire

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Sounds like a fun update!
  20. Haven't played .49 myself yet, but from what I've red everything is now persistent. If you drop an apple in the middle of the street, it will be there after server restart. If this loot you drop will ever get deleted is not known by now, and I guess no one does except the devs (but since they are too eager to write changelogs for experimental updates...)
  21. epeenoire

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    We should be just waiting for upcoming wednesday when this bad boy goes stable.
  22. epeenoire

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    I hope they are prepared for a tremendous shitstorm of biblical scale, cause that's exactly what's going to happen now
  23. epeenoire

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Found one in a "prison-building", back when .47 was still experimental though.
  24. epeenoire

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    I've found an AK101 mag in a "prison-building" just the other day, so I guess it's not that silly.