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Everything posted by epeenoire

  1. I got the same problem. EpeeNoire 121858AX
  2. BUMP, want to play. EpeeNoire 121858AX
  3. Alright, since yesterday (94103) I had this "Authentication Timeout"-Error. Now, I have "This server is running..." AGAIN. I had this when there was the notorious melee-bug. I know, you can reset something, I'll lose all my stuff in the actions menu but my backpack will remain. All you need is my name and player ID EpeeNoire 121858AX Please fix this, thanks in advance.
  4. BUMP I am still unable to play. Arma X retail Edit: Alright, "authentication timeout" evolved to... "this server is running..."! Please help: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9124&pid=194486#pid194486
  5. Alright, I am using ArmA X Retail. Funny! ...well, actually not. Please someone fix it because we obviously can't :(
  6. I have this problem too, but only since today (and 94103) BAMP! Edit: Running ArmA X Retail.
  7. epeenoire

    Authentication timeout

    Bump - Also happening for me now.
  8. Had/have this too: I have no idea why.
  9. epeenoire

    How to use the Range finder?

    Bump for great justice
  10. epeenoire

    Stuck somewhere.

    Then you're definitely not in debug forest, sorry, I can't help you.
  11. epeenoire

    Six Launcher Problems

    Ever tried to launch the game through a shortcut?
  12. epeenoire

    Please! no zombies/survivors/loot

    Are you sure you've clicked on "Multiplayer" and joined a "Day Z Zombie RPG" server?
  13. epeenoire

    M9 SD - Ammo?!

    There is specific M9 SD ammo, it's also declared as "M9 SD". But you should actually be able to load also non-sub sonic M9 rounds for it :/
  14. epeenoire

    Filter out DayZ servers?

    I fear as of now there is no way to filter those Day Z servers. Though, it's one of those things that don't have that much of priority even if they bug people
  15. epeenoire

    Stuck somewhere.

    Yeah, per pedes - just head north-east for... approximately 45 minutes.
  16. Don't trust Steam, try to download and insert the latest client-.dll for BattlEye manually, like a bawws. http://battleye.com/download.html Idk if this is going to help you but it did for me, when I had this "stuck in loading screen" thing.
  17. epeenoire

    Running but server is

    I can only imagine that it's a server side issue, honestly :/ Alternatively, try to reinstall the whole Day Z files, if you think it could help - I do not
  18. epeenoire

    My game bugedout :(

    As far as I know, you can only chose gender when a) starting the game for the first time and b) getting reset by one of the day z devs (happened to me, thanks to the melee weapon bug). I'd recommend you to contact one of those guys directly via email or PM.
  19. epeenoire

    Running but server is

    Try another server, the admin of this one has probably fucked up something.
  20. epeenoire

    Blinding Sun Glare

    This is intentional, you can call it a feature, simulating the human eye pupil adapting to altering lightning intensity. But trust me: It's totally fine, there are games out there that are much worse
  21. epeenoire

    Bad Graphics

    Oh, Afterburner is also quite cool, I use it.
  22. epeenoire

    Problems with version of DayZ

    When the game says you got the wrong ArmA 2 version, then your Day Z files should not causing this. For installing the latest build of the beta patch for ArmA 2, go to http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php and download the one named (ARMA2_OA_Build_93965.zip), it's on the top of the page. For future beta updates, you'll always find the latest version on the top. Once you've downloaded the .zip, unpack it an execute the .exe - once this is done, you should be ready to go.
  23. Installing the new beta: Simply go to http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php and download the latest build (top of page). Once your download has finished, unpack the .zip-file and execute the .exe - follow the instructions given in order to install the latest beta patch correct. Installing the latest mod files: Simply go to http://worrom.com/ and download the latest build of Worroms updater (currently 1.61 - don't mind, that the download link says 1.6, it's actually 1.61). Once your download has finished, unpack the .zip-file and execute the .exe - follow the instructions given in order to install the latest Day Z modfiles (setting up your path, choosing your download mirror etc.) Right shortcut target lines are (if using a x64 Windows OS): "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@dayz -nosplash If there is anything missing or not working, reply.