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Everything posted by epeenoire

  1. epeenoire

    How Old Are You Poll (COD Or Crusties)

    Interesting thesis and poll.
  2. epeenoire

    Do you know that feeling when you..

    Linking pictures works with and the / after, not .
  3. epeenoire

    DE 21 - Questions & Comments

    This theard ain't up-to-date: DE21 is a "3rdP-OFF" server now, I believe.
  4. epeenoire


    Boy. I don't consider myself as a boy anymore but besides that, I am male and play a male character. Nonetheless, interesting poll - I am curious to see the results.
  5. epeenoire

    Server Admins - Understand us ...

    Just ignore those pricks. Most of us are definitely grateful for the stuff you guys do so keep it up :)
  6. The way you leave posts imply that you don't work anywhere but your moms basement (which I have absolutely no problem with), being just another internet guy that tries to appear as something more interesting than that (which makes me mad at this point). You're probably just an arrogant (underage?) person who thinks he/she is entitled to something. Well, guess what: You're not, you're just another alpha tester of this mod. So again: Move on or leave _useful_ feedback as others do.
  7. Please move on to another game if you don't understand the way software development works and what "alpha" means. Thank you
  8. Great thread title. May I ask you what your nationality (more interesting: your primary language) is?
  9. epeenoire

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    95168 is a 1.62 beta patch, so it's no more compatible with the 1.60 and 1.61 ones.
  10. epeenoire

    Loot Spawns missing Loot

    Do you play on low-populated or empty servers? It can be that the loot spawns just after a while and if there is no one in that area, there will be no loot ;)
  11. So we got helicopter crash sites in open fields which is pretty cool, but considering the geographical habit of Chernarus, it would also be nice to have something in the woods. I was thinking about something like a crashed APC or a bunker. It would do basically the exact same thing as a helicopter crash site which is containing cool loot. Yay or nay?
  12. epeenoire

    Crash sites in the woods?

    It does not has to be an APC or a bunker, but something that would fit in the woods. It's just that there are plenty of woods in the east/sout-east and north and they are so empty.
  13. epeenoire

    Server hopping and cheat quitting

    Your character already remains 5 seconds after leaving the server, afaik. Right about now, they can't make it longer due to some technical issues but I think they will increase the time or do something similar in the near future.
  14. epeenoire

    There's no guns anywhere

    Look at military tents (Balota, east of Cherno), Airfields (Balota) and fire stations (one of them pretty centre of Cherno and 2 in centre/north of Elektro). Additionally, look out for deer stands.
  15. epeenoire

    Waiting for character to create

    I assume you've probably bought ArmA X? You've probably got a mess with either the version of Day Z itself or the latest ArmA2OA beta patch. It could also be a problem with BattlEye. Make sure you have of Day Z installed, 94945 of ArmA2OA Beta and the correct BattlEye .dll to it.
  16. epeenoire

    Am I the only one?

    Just because you think the server is low populated doesn't mean it is all the time ;) Also, if something is on the server, it can be found. I've set-up a few tents the last 2 days myself and they are not gone, even all the stuff is still there. The desync problem probably appears because you guys are on high-ping servers (that are really low populated due to the fact they have high latency). You should probably try to get on a little less low-populated ones.
  17. epeenoire

    2 Problems

    1st of all, it is "to lose" something, not "to loose". You can only "loose" something like a screw or anything that should be mounted and not "loose".On your problems: You have probably been a victim to massive server desync or the usage of a wrong hive, I fear your equip is gone forever - go get a new one. On the problem with the name not shown where you respawn: I had this before, seems to be a bug. Try to respawn or find out where you are yourself.
  18. epeenoire


    This message usually shows up when you try to edit the mission in-game/on-server using the menu. Do you do something like that? Also, this should usualy not effect your ability to play on the server.
  19. epeenoire

    Lost weaponck

    Well, you probably joined a server with an outdated version of the hive (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32151-1723-servers-not-running-hive-0621-or-newer/) I fear your beloved DMR is gone - go find another one.
  20. epeenoire

    Am I the only one?

    Ever thought about the fact that you are not the only one on the server? Your vehicles could either be stolen or destroyed and your tents could be dismounted (by driving over it with a vehicle e.g.)
  21. epeenoire

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Go here http://www.battleye.com/download.html, download the correct one (v1.61.94945+) and copy and replace it in the correct folder - problem solved
  22. You have probably like 3 to 5 cheaters (or even more) on your server. Right now (22:09 GMT+2) they are on the highest building of Chernogorsk. All of them carry AS50 or M107, Bizon-SD, NVGs, range finder etc. and just lay on the roof of this building. I managed to get up, killed 2 of them - when, out of nowhere, 2 or 3 others appeared (they appeared within seconds) with the exact same equipment (I think they somehow insta-respawned, made them kinda invincible even tough I killed them like 3 or 4 times in a row). Then, one of them finally brought me down (I had no more ammo). So, please, have a look into this issue. Those guys are literally doing nothing than camping on this high roof with high-range sniper rifles killing new players and, if this wasn't enough, obviously cheating. Edit: Here's a screenshot of those guys I believe are cheating - essentially all of those TOPOL-M guys
  23. epeenoire

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Switch to and you'll be fine