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Everything posted by epeenoire

  1. epeenoire

    Food and Drink

  2. Yep, you've simply got the wrong Day Z files. Note that the Beta-patch for ArmA 2 (1.6.39666) is only for ArmA 2, not for Day Z (which would be 1.7 - not beta). I'd recommend the installation tool of "worrom" (simply google that) to you - it works fast, simple and will keep you up to date.
  3. epeenoire

    DE 21 - Questions & Comments

    Probably my most favourite server out there - totally lag free, nice admins.
  4. epeenoire

    Refueling a boat in water?

    I don't think so, even with another boat you won't be able to refuel it, since you cant use menu while driving/using a boat as a passenger.
  5. Beans taste best when looted from the guy you just shot.
  6. epeenoire

    WTF is up with the servers?

    Exactly and unfortunately, yes
  7. epeenoire

    WTF is up with the servers?

    To the 1st thing: It's sunday afternoon, I guess you could call this state "normal". To the 2nd: Idk.
  8. epeenoire

    Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

    Does any1 know when 1.61 will be final?
  9. epeenoire

    DayZ Memes

    New meme is born: CLUMSY CHRISTIAN Exploitable:
  10. epeenoire

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    Zeds are pretty fast, that's right. Well, Idk 'bout that, simple balancing issue
  11. epeenoire

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    Hey, thanks for the link - his concept sounds quite similar, even though I wouldn't focus too much on "hunting" but on this "prevision" ability I explained. This would give you as a dog holder a valuable advantage and would make all the work to get your dog to such a level where its capable of getting wind of something worthwhile.
  12. epeenoire

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    Oh, didn't know that (also by using the forum search I didn't find anything), but anyway; that sounds fantastic! Well then, I hope his dog concept will be close to this one :)
  13. epeenoire

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    Hey there guys! I don't know if this has been discussed or proposed before, but I was thinking about how cool it could be to have a dog. I thought about it to be probably like this: You can find a wild dog somewhere (woods, village, idk) that is just roaming around, probably shy or aggressive (you could do this with certain percentage or stuff). Then, if you got something like raw meat (or antyhting else, again, idk) you could tame it. When tamed, the dog will follow you. At first it won't do this very good; you'd have to give it more food or water or whatever a dog could probably need (be creative). If you can achieve to make it more used to you, it could gain some special abilites, such as permanently moving only very close to and with you (like dog command: heel!), to automatically lay down as you do (like dog command: down!) and to not make any noise (dog command: quiet!). If not trained well (not fed, not given water etc. - idk), it won't do this; it will bark, it will run around hunting like rabbits and stuff, it won't hide itself when you do. So additionally to this (until now, my idea doesn't seem to make much sense, does it?) I would give the dog one very, very useful ability for its owner: the ability to get wind of other people. That's right: your dog could snarl and while doing so, sticking its tail between its rear legs and looking into the direction of where the other player(s) might come. Alright, pretty much text, but I tried to explain this concept as much as I possibly could. For sure, you could expand it (with such as different races of dogs that have different strengths and weaknesses like in real life) but for the basic stuff, I think I got it. Anyway please feel free to post your comment and tell me what you think about this idea.
  14. epeenoire

    Setting up camp
