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Everything posted by Alexdeath

  1. Alexdeath


    I Know what to do, you need ARMA II and then go to the arma 2 folder in steamapps/common then into addons, scroll down untill you see Dubbing and two other files. Then copy them into steamapps/common then into arma 2 OA folder, then to @dayZ then to addons then paste it there, it worked for then and after that if it says "dayz_anim requiers CA_HC_Sounds" i dont know how to fix that but since i have a dayZ seperat launcher befor i did this i could not join my own server but now i can join my own server and it works. BUT i dont know if this will work for you so you could try it and see if it works if not you could try deleting the Dubbing and the two other files out of @dayZ/Addons so you will be back to square one if you have another idea to fix it.