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Everything posted by Renwault

  1. Is there anyway to turn off the news part at the top of the program, seems trend micro thinks that the site is bad and blocks the program from running.
  2. We have a great server that is locked down, at the time it is not white listed but it is locked and you must register for the password on our forums at http://forums.sernix.net/ Our server has custom base building with password protected gates that only the owner of that wall knows. 300+ Vehicles on the map; you can harvest parts and siphon fuel. We have a smelting script that makes those useless cans now useful to smelt building supplies. We are ever expanding out building mod and always striving to make a better server. We have several outstanding Admins on the server keeping the server clean of hackers as well as we can. A few images http://imgur.com/a/hduk5
  3. Is there an ETA for v8.1. Also nice job man works well only issue I have is sometimes I get double chat lines when I am using to talk in global as admin.
  4. We found a camp and took the Ural and some gear, hope your not to mad. The server is awesome by the way only wish there were more people on and we could find a heli to fly in, we have about 4 in our crew and have been searching for one.