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Posts posted by bhale3

  1. Just to clarify, I never tried to excuse what he did. In my opinion a permaban is just excessive, and I think a lot of opinions here are based on whether or not you like the guy. Like I said, let him serve his week long ban or whatever and move on.

    I watch a lot of streams and when the oportunity presents itself, I will 100% join the game and play with the streamer, I think it's fun. So saying I'm "friends" with anyone is stretching.

    I'm done with this thread now. I'm not going to try and argue with people cherry picking comments or videos and spinning them to their own agenda. A little common sense will suffice in regards to that.

  2. ROFL at this.

    Whether you like the guy or not, out of 100s of hours of video he shows poor judgement for 5 minutes and you guys want to permaban him. You'd think this guy just brought every server to it's knees, not killed a few guys with starter gear. And acting like the location of debug forrest is a big secret is rediculous. If the guy gets a one week ban fine, but the level of animosity about this is bordering on stupidity.

  3. Date/Time:

    What happened:

    Instantly die when I spawn into any server. My player falls to the ground and the killed message appears in chat, but I have over 11k blood and the 'You are Dead' screen does not appear.

    Where you were:

    Somewhere along a coastal road

    What you were doing:

    Began happening immediately after I aborted from a game in which I was a passenger of a jeep whos driver was lagged out/disconnecting

    *Current installed version:

    If anyone knows a quick fix for me to get back into the game I would appreciate it. :)
