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Everything posted by knifely

  1. knifely

    Day Z Urban Legends

    A little birdy told me in the Standalone you can indeed shit in people's mouth http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/107637-feedback-on-status-of-infectious-diseases-in-dayz/page__st__80
  2. knifely

    Better GPS.

    Saving would have to be the worst idea possible. Not only did you die and lose everything on your body, but you also lost your backup plan. I want a gps that tracks how far I've walked, i think that would make me cry though
  3. My last name translated to English. Have had it for a decade
  4. Explain your vision, or at least a little background about yourself and what you want to do, before asking for free help.
  5. knifely

    Arma 2 Free FPS

    Post your specs to make it easier for us to help you
  6. knifely

    Hand combat and Brass knuckles |Standalone|

    *grabs popcorn*
  7. I think the idea is we'll find bits and pieces of info. Not that it matters, because you know there will be a guide on one of the sites within a week of release. Then you just decide if you want to 'cheat' or not
  8. knifely

    Day 147: We died

    Story of my life
  9. Brings up a good point, permanent. What would stop someone, after getting TB doe example, from dropping all their loot in a tent, commiting suicide and collecting it again?
  10. What about a field test on, say contaminated clothes? Will there be an item you need to find to be able to check it?
  11. knifely


    This. But if something similar was implemented it would have to be more difficult than rubbing some blood on yourself, or else zombies wouldn't be a problem at all anymore
  12. knifely


    It belongs in any zombie game. I think it'd be fun to mess around with but doubt anyone would haul it around taking up all that inventory space when using it is a constant source of noise spam. You'll get spotted pretty quickly
  13. knifely

    Please don't implement passing stool

    Since the game is in real time you can just consider your time offline as your character sleeping... No need to waste game time on that. And the poop thing, i don't mind either way. If it's in it'll be interesting, if not too bad.
  14. knifely

    Hold-Up Lag Escape

    Playing DayZ last night when my buddy and I stumbled upon a guy facing this other direction. Instead of shooting on site we decided to hold him up, this is where I started recording. We told him to drop his gun and we wouldn't shoot, he instantly switched to his flashlight so we figured he was going to comply. My buddy checked his backpack and found an MP5, and the M16 he had before. I just spawned and honestly just wanted his backpack and some food. He didn't move so I figured he was dropping his gear..... This is my first time recording with Razer's Game Booster. For some reason it didn't record my voice, just my buddies. I don't want to blatantly call hacks, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt with the lag. But his escape(timing) was very convenient. //Edit. sorry Mods, just found the right place for this thread. I do apologize for the inconvenience.
  15. knifely

    DayZ This is MY story

    I know that feel bro I found his videos on sunday night, and watched way too much for a work night. Spend the next day counting down the hours to get home and play.
  16. Like a directory with an overview of all the private hives. I think it's a good idea. Surprised it doesn't exist yet
  17. knifely

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    What are you wanting to buy now?
  18. I've never had an issue with my one hand on the keyboard. You could try rebinding it to a thumb button on the mouse though
  19. knifely

    Underground Vehicles

    I doubt that'll Actually be implemented, rocket just said that was a best case scenario dream. Correct me if I'm wrong
  20. I've actually thought about this quite a bit. I think it's great. Backpacks are smaller and have less room, but are easier to hide than a tent. It'll be hilarious when you hide a backpack under a pine tree and then can never find it again!
  21. Having to find one is definitely better. And i just thought about what i said earlier about how the more restricted it is the more people will use teamspeak. But, it might be a great tool for lone wolves
  22. knifely

    Any1 meet frankie on his namalsk?

    I dont know why this is in repmy to my post... I loved the videos
  23. knifely

    Any1 meet frankie on his namalsk?

    I watched a bunch of frankies videos last night and every time he laughed i wondered "How long has Ricky Gervais been playing DayZ?"
  24. I agree it could be a great addition, in theory. And it would add that extra realism. I would change it slightly, and say it was like a real walkie talkie where you have to be on a channel, and anyone could be listening. As far as authenticity goes that eould be the only way to do it. But, then people would definitely be drawn back to TS for the privacy. I think its a great idea that's very difficult to implement.
  25. Im down to join your group if youre in europe. Steam: knifely