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About knifely

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    Bern, Switzerland
  1. knifely

    Murphy's laws of DayZ

    This is the only 'Murphy's Law' in this thread
  2. Inaccurate how? At what range? The DMR can't zero the scope so are you talking about bullet drop?
  3. I don't have time for a full reply although this topic is interesting. But i just took down a heli with three FAL shots, it's possible
  4. knifely

    How do you downgrade

    Plus, once you have the mod downloaded with commander, you can switch between versions pretty easily
  5. knifely

    Server restarts in SA

    I can see the problem being with people that log out at the barracks to be the first ones in when it restarts. It's unfortunate that everything is so hard to balance because the idea itself is a lot more immersive
  6. knifely

    Server restarts in SA

    //editing with a reply because tapatalk teens to mess up edits. I understand why the restarts are the way they are now with the mod. But having them at around 8 hours or so would mean you're average play session would consist of one chance to loot the cities you want
  7. So with all the changes being made with the loot system in SA, ie everything spawning at server start, i had a thought. How often will the servers be restated? I don't play on public hive servers so i don't know how it is usually. But if the server restarts were further apart like 8 to 12 hours it would be interesting because places like Cherno and Elektro would run out of loot forcing us to look elsewhere. Hoping someone could clear this up for me
  8. What time is it starting tonight? Couldn't find anything. Also add me on Steam so we can swap info on TS, etc. ==> kniFely
  9. knifely

    DayZ Commander problem

    Most likely just a bug, try restarting it once or twice, kill the process or reboot your PC. Commander is really weird sometimes, sometimes it just fucks my entire internet, or at least http, teamspeak works, steam works, but my browser won't load anything until I restart DayZ Commander.
  10. My group and I hop around servers from time to time (when desync, etc gets bad on our home server) and a server having a Whitelist has never been a turn off for us. We almost prefer it, sure it's a bit of a hassle when you want to play RIGHT THEN, but usually it's worth the couple hours to a day to get accepted. As long as you keep it within that time period
  11. Good idea! There seem to be only about 5 Cities on the Map worth checking usually, this'll balance things. However, with the low pop average it'll make it even rarer to run into someone.
  12. The link to download rmod is broken in the OP. That's why I was having trouble last night
  13. knifely

    Have I gone too far?

    You must be a lot of fun at parties...
  14. knifely


    Bolt cutters already exist in the arma world. I remember having to use them ti cut through a fence in ACE mod.