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About ForJustOneBullet

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ForJustOneBullet

    Team up?

    I'm playing for a while now (weeks) and I master the basic stuff and skills. I'm able to stay alive for a while but alone is just alone. I just want to team up with somebody or a few people but I don't want to get into a clan. I'd prefer European players: less time difference. And mature players would be nice :) Add me on Steam(Djennik) or PM me
  2. ForJustOneBullet

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    A: ForjustOneBullet B: Starving and lack of blood. I need food badly. C: Kozlovka. In a house in the northwest of the town. D: Normal skin and equipped with lee-enfield. I'd appreciate it if someone came to help me but I understand if this call for help will be unanswered.. I'm a new player so I need to earn my stripes. I can spare some painkillers and ammo in return for your services. Beware: lots of zeds in the area.. My Steamname: Djennik EDIT: Got aided by the guys from TMW. They are very professional with their services! Quick response and aided immediately. Thx guys! and thx to ben+ for the quick response!
  3. ForJustOneBullet

    Introduce yourselves

    I'm Djennik, New to the game but still alive after some zombie encounters. I'm alone but I'd like a compagnion. Living in an European Timezone is probably easier to cooperate but not a necessity. add me on steam: Djennik
  4. Hi everyone I'm new to this & I'm about to buy it on steam. I was sceptical about the game at first but after watching some footage and feeling the thrill of playing it, I decided to buy it. So if you are searching a partner... I prefer dutch native speakers, but english or french speakers are no problem as well! If you are interested: PM me.