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Everything posted by valmorian

  1. valmorian

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Just saying, they promised us Standalone LAST December (2012) and they released it END December 2013, so I think they can speed it up just a little bit... because we had to wait 1 year AFTER they promised us the Standalone last year
  2. valmorian

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Still hoping you guys fix the zombies soon... They bug the fuck out off you when you're in a house and its really anoying :s Its very easy to kill it yes, but when you dont have a weapon its another problem, if you run inside you're fucked no way around it...
  3. valmorian

    DayZ Standalone

    Hey, I got banned some weeks ago and I know you guys can't help me but I am not asking for that. I just want to know when I buy Standalone, will I be able to play again? Because I don't want to waste another €25 for Arma 2 CO..... Thanks
  4. valmorian

    DayZ Standalone

    Haha I will ;) And yeah I don't gonna download anything that will help me... I found out when I drop my graphic settings it works fine... stupid me
  5. valmorian

    BANG I'm dead?

    AS50 is one-shot kill, It doesn't matter where it hits you ;)
  6. valmorian

    DayZ Standalone

    Lol, I don't hack mate ;) hacking is for losers!I tried to get rid off my lag by downloading a program that reduced the CPU usage. But instead off helping me it stole my CD key :|
  7. valmorian

    DayZ Standalone

    Thanks mate! I already have seen it will be out in December :) I just wanted to know if I could play it when I bought Standalone :P Thanks for your help man! :)
  8. valmorian

    BANG I'm dead?

    Sorry dude, but I laughed hard when you got shot in just a few seconds after you start your commentary xd I have the same problem when I spawn near the big city's :P
  9. valmorian

    Military is still active.

    I like the logic of the 10% on airfield bombing, isn't that a area you need to clear out before start bombing the hell out off city's? Just saying....
  10. valmorian

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Cool story bro!