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About Ruu

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  1. I'm in teamspeak you colossal derp. Get out of AFK and prepare your anus.
  2. Oh ya UGG. Cute you guys stalked me x
  3. I know you guys didn't hack it in - that doesn't mean you didn't take advantage of it. Pipe down, newfag. You weren't around xoxo
  4. Well SOMEONE'S butthurt that I outed that TNR like hacked in weapons. Tsk tsk.
  5. Fancy seeing you fellers here. #iforgetmyusernamewheniwaswithyouguize. You will remember me as the person who got kicked out and wrecked your base, stealing your AS50 TWS and dropping it in some bushes on a different server xoxo
  6. Ruu

    Give me friends!

    I've found my clan, sorry everyone! :P
  7. Ruu

    Give me friends!

    I forgot; I like using voice. A teamspeak or mumble server would be awesome.
  8. Hello, I'm Ruu~ I've been playing DayZ for about 6-8 months now and after a break since leaving my last clan, I'm after some buddies to play with :3 I'm 16, a student in the UK and I have no life, so, I game whenever I can (unless I'm doing coursework for school). I'm after a small group (no idea of numbers, usually like 5). I don't care how geared you are - gearing up is really fun, and being geared up is really fun. I prefer public hives to private hives, but I don't mind using a private hive if you're awesome enough ^-^ HMU~ Skype: rufustherainbowpenguin
  9. Should've repeatedly pressed the "seat" button quickly.
  10. Ruu

    Your way of saying "friendly"

    Lately I've gone bandit and have decided to shoot anyone I see. This is because of my new computer which actually lets me shoot without lag and aim properly. Once I'm survivor again, I'll usually stick behind a wall, pull a Frankie move and say "friendly" whilst not in sight, and ask them to put down their weapon. Usually they run away or look around to shoot me, but I never actually die unless it's further up North with the big kids. I remember before I got corrupted by big clans and their good equipment, I'd be running around one of the two main cities and I'd always come across friendly people. We'd run around being the two amigos until I de-synced and got shot by a local bandit :D
  11. I have looked at the settings. I was confused.