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Everything posted by squirrlee

  1. squirrlee

    Headshots Required To Kill Zeds

    Well best I can tell is they are "infected" like (28 Days Later) where they take damage like humans but are still harder to kill than an un-infected human. I don't see them as (Resident Evil or Walking Dead) type traditional Zombies. In 28 Days they were infected with "Rage" AND HAULED ASS. They also had a life span if not fed and didn't like daylight much. I find 28 days type infected much more terrifying because they move fast and I know that speed is the key to survial. If this situation were to happen IRL smoking would not be an option.....LMAO!
  2. Most of the comments of KoS come form ppl that have no idea the kind of effect killing another person has on you. Regardless of the reason most people feel a sense of guilt or remorse. my family has two members that came back from the gulf wars. Both have PTSD....both were defending themselves and those around them. They were in a combat situation and the ppl they killed were armed and trying to kill them. Neither of them talk about it much other than to say they wish they didn't have to do it and both left the military and will not rejoin. If KoS is what many seem to think would be the rule of thumb in a post apocalyptic situation think back in time to the "Cowboy" days in North America or the time of Knights in Europe. Yes nearly all disputes were settled by death......but it wasn't KoS or we wouldn't be here today because there wouldn't have been enough PPL left to advance to what we have today. Yes there would be gangs of senseless killers and lone nut jobs running around because of the massive amount of people being "off their meds". If all that is left of humanity is senseless killing we are done as a species and would not survive the "event". Humans have a genetic instinct to band together or we wouldn't have survived the "black plague" or any other plague for that matter.Yes under times of great darkness ppl will do things that are considered wrong to survive, but we/they always band together and try to return to civilization. That is why this game/simulation will fail and become a kill fest........YOU can't recreate civilization in this game world, it's not in the programing. All players know to do is Kill in games, It's all there is to do in MMOs. Look at all MMOs you are either killing mobs/NPCs or other players or both depending on the game. There is nothing else to do besides kill in this game and that's why it will be nothing but a death match/kill fest.
  3. The issue with this simulation is there is no point to this game. When I say there is no point what I mean is there is no true survival in this game. You die....you re-spawn....only to die again at some point and respawn. There is no reason to band together with other players there is no real penalty for death other than lost progress and time. This game will suffer from what I call "Asshatism" and be nothing more than a death match fest because there is no point or goal other than to stay "alive" and not have to re-spawn. You can't rebuild humanity, you can't make a group that makes village that grows into a town, that grows into a city, that grows into a civilization. So all you have is a bunch of people sitting at home in their PJs killing eachother over and over to stroke their "Epeen". It's not going to be what's left of humanity against the Zeds, it's going to be about leader boards and who can be the biggest asshat. There is no reality or morality much less a sense of guilt for killing someone you never even gave a chance to know if they could have helped you. It's just a game and that's how people will treat it, so it's going to be a kill fest and that's about it. There will only be Role Playing on private servers and even that will die out because the Zeds will end up posing little threat once everyone has epic weapons and such. You can't build a city or grow food to simulate rebuilding in this new world. So Bandit skins could and should be part of this Game because if you are planning on being an asshat everyone should know that you are in fact an Asshat.