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Everything posted by PracticalTactical

  1. PracticalTactical

    Looking for members to play dayz Public Hive

    Lol have fun with the skiddies :P
  2. PracticalTactical

    Different types of tents!

    If they are civilian tents they should spawn in a good variety of bright colours. Civilian tents are made in bright, easily distinguishable colours in case you get lost and someone needs to find you. A bright yellow tent on a green and brown woodland is very easy to see opposed to a camouflaged military tent. Civilian tents would be more common than military ones though. I believe they actually have a dome tent already ingame which would be a cool addition into the mod/standalone.
  3. PracticalTactical

    Flare Gun

    Flares are great. It would be nice to see a weapon that worked solely with flares or just add in the M79 grenade launcher to work as a flair gun.
  4. PracticalTactical

    Dat Shotgun

    Shotguns pellets are great when enemy is close to you. Even with slugs though shotguns are not good at killing anything past around 300 meters reliably. I wish they would do more with shotguns in DayZ. I do like the weapons, its just they feel so...fake. Better sounds and a pump animation would be nice for the 870. Shotguns will be of great use in the standalone (I hope) due to the fact that all buildings will be enterable which means some close quarters tactical shit will need to be done and shotguns are great at that! Currently though, if you get into a fight in a field at long distances good luck killing the guy with the M16 before he gets you.
  5. PracticalTactical

    Do Bodies Despawn When You Change Servers?

    No I don't think so.
  6. PracticalTactical

    Attn Community: Help needed - wind and windage

    Nicely done man! This would add so much more realism into DayZ mod! Heck, it would cut down on the sniper noobs aswell because sniping would become more of a challenge! I hope R4zor adds this in, its just so great! I wish I could give you an entire backpack full of beans!
  7. PracticalTactical

    Shooting From Vehicles

    It would be so great to find a PDW, point it out of the window and mow down some bambis. Of course, it would have to be tilted to the side...
  8. PracticalTactical

    Mature player seeking to join, or form group

    Are you looking for a longterm relationship aswell?
  9. PracticalTactical

    Best Assault Rifle?

    I don't give a damn if you like me or not. Canadiangunnutz is pretty good. I would probably go with them over anything to do with 4chan.
  10. PracticalTactical

    Replace M1911 with TT33

    It might be more fitting to have the TT-33 pistol (or a TTC same thing pretty much) in DayZ standalone as opposed to the m1911. The TT-33 shoots the 7.62X25mm Tokarev cartridge and has been in use since the second world war. Standard issue magazine is steel and has an 8 round capacity. Very reliable handgun thats also very common in many countries. I could see these being allot more common than an M1911 considering the setting. Or maybe have both, I don't really care.
  11. PracticalTactical

    Replace M1911 with TT33

    No dude, not everyone. This only has 349 views and dayzmod.com says 1 628 194 players in DayZ. Someone might still think otherwise.
  12. PracticalTactical

    Best Assault Rifle?

    You know what? I should have worded my comment more clearly. I added the winchester and M14 in because I find they are better than any assault rifle already in the game at certain tasks (winchester being best for killing zombies due to quietness and availability of ammo, M14 is best for PvP due to dammage, fast ROF, accuracy and red dot sight). I will get snarly when I want to get snarly and if I am getting snarly with you there is nothing you can do about it. I am not a huge fan of assault rifles because I find most of my firefights take place at 300 meters or more (odly enough). The best assault rifle is the AKM because you can zero it for longer shooting and the only one I will use if I have a choice. Holo sights are only good for close quarters and in those big fields of chernarus not allot of close quarters. WTF is /k/ by the way? I made my original comment a bit clearer.
  13. PracticalTactical

    Giving away my Nvidia GTX 280

    Real nice of you Edgar you have a good heart. We need more people like you on these forums and in the world!
  14. PracticalTactical

    Replace M1911 with TT33

  15. PracticalTactical

    Best Assault Rifle?

    And you just had to point that out, didn't you? I do not care if its a battle rifle an assault rifle or a fucking ORANGE for goddsakes. I PUT IT IN THERE because I THINK ITS A GREAT FUCKING WEAPON end of story. If you want to be such a goddamn expert on firearms why don't you bring your ass over to some proper firearms forums? Hey, thats a GREAT IDEA! http://www.canadiangunnutz.com/ http://thefiringline.com/forums/ http://www.survivalistboards.com ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PICK ONE!
  16. PracticalTactical

    The 12th Marines are recruiting!

    I don't need your goddamn 12th Marines. I am 1 man army.
  17. PracticalTactical

    Best Assault Rifle?

    I like the AKM and the M14 for PvP because they are very powerful and accurate (no the M14 is not an assault rifle but its better than any assault rifle, who goes full auto anyway?). The downside to the AKM and M14 is how loud they can be (attracts allot of zombies). If I am killing zombies a winchester (if no AR is around) or an AK-74 type weapon.
  18. PracticalTactical

    Do we deserve a devblog update this week?

    But I didn't do bugger all. See, if the devs want to punish the community because of some internet disagreement there is something wrong with the devs and the DayZ community. I mean, will they postpone new items/weapons in the standalone game because someone said something on the internet? Such baloney.
  19. PracticalTactical

    Do we deserve a devblog update this week?

    So what I get from all this is no devblog this week because some people were having issues and bashing each other? Who cares its the internet. I am dissapointed that there is no devblog this week as it was stated by developers that there would indeed be weekly devblogs. Its stupid stuff like this that seems to be even more prevalent in DayZ. Dare I say it (moan all you want) but I have lost considerable interest in this game/mod and its dwindling daily. Maybe it is going in the wrong direction afterall, who knows.
  20. They have ripped the tires of my jeeps numerous times aswell. Trash em.
  21. PracticalTactical

    I think the Lee Enfeild is under rated :P

    ENFIELD IS #1!
  22. PracticalTactical

    The death of Jeromy

    Derpy is a NoooOoOOOOob lol
  23. PracticalTactical

    Bandit Tactics

    Get a group of players together and be real friendly. Get them to stand about looting something then shoot all your bullets into their bodies! *absorb the rage*
  24. PracticalTactical

    Please take this survey!

    Fine by me. I don't want your goddamn afterparty!
  25. PracticalTactical

    DayZ Standalone Challenge.

    I will wear your skin, rhinocrunch. I am always on the hunt.