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Everything posted by PracticalTactical

  1. PracticalTactical

    Gun attachments? What kind would you like to see?

    I would like to have a rifle then have duct tape and tape a shotgun to my rifle. Is this possible? Yes, yes it is! We need duct tape in standalone, then anything could be a gun attachment!
  2. PracticalTactical

    Looking for partner :D

    Well, you got me all excited with the title. Was rather misleading. Not the kind of partner I was hoping to find on here.
  3. PracticalTactical

    Dean - Sort it out man. Losing your way

    I like the mask. Makes the game more interesting.
  4. When the mod became popular KOS became just as popular. Also, I think the more people knew about loot locations and how to survive the less they were to rely on someone for protection, supplies, knowledge etc. So, many people then saw other players as simply company or maybe even a threat or dead weight.
  5. PracticalTactical

    Why DayZ will fail as a standalone game

    I realize organizing a trip like that takes tens of thousands of dollars and years of training, paperwork, organization and waiting I can understand that. The issue here is that he first said the game would almost surely be out just after christmas then it was april (I think) now its summer...and hes going climbing for months after flip flopping around and playing with my heart strings. The mod has gone from a very hard, survival game to a 225km2 deathmatch with zombies rife with scripters and abusers of all sorts. But even then I still had hope and yearned for the supposedly weekly devblog updates (what a farce that was). Now what? No mod fix, hardly any new news on the standalone, more than a month between the previous devblog and the last on the 15th, delays, people losing interest, servers with no challenge whatsoever, scripters rampant and now hes leaving on a climbing trip. Ive been here since the start (not on the forums but playing DayZ) and am very saddened and feeling somewhat betrayed and used by how things are going at this time. I haven't played DayZ in months and I STILL had some hope...now I have very little hope and my interest is quickly waning. I hope I am wrong, I do.
  6. PracticalTactical

    Why DayZ will fail as a standalone game

    "Hey, lets climb a goddamn mountain for two months after delaying our project 2-3 times and losing a good portion of our community and support." Why am I still on these forums? I think its because I am reliving a time long past...a time of discovery and hope. Reality has set in...
  7. PracticalTactical

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Did you know that glass is actually a liquid? WHO KNEW?!
  8. PracticalTactical

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Oh sure its allowed...but is it reasonable? Nope.
  9. PracticalTactical

    Rocket: Console version almost certain

    Lost faith in DayZ long ago. Why am I on these forums still? Wish I knew. :(
  10. PracticalTactical

    ZerteC the script kiddie

    Never said I did.
  11. PracticalTactical

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Wortie is a butthurt fanboy and its obvious. So much for weekly devblogs...unreliable.
  12. PracticalTactical

    ZerteC the script kiddie

    How to combat script kiddies? With scripts of course! Counter hacking is a usefull strategy. Sometimes its the only way.
  13. PracticalTactical

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Where is the new devblog? Come on devs, I live for your devblogs.
  14. Nice specs. Why 690 SLI though? 1 is powerfull enough!
  15. PracticalTactical

    Oh I wish I was a...

  16. PracticalTactical

    Of all the oddities ...

    Them fellers don't deserve an Osprey!
  17. PracticalTactical

    Random but VERY rare Meteor Showers

    It should be an alien spacecraft and spawn alien ray guns and gravity manipulators.
  18. frig off with that fps russia bullshit.
  19. PracticalTactical

    It's all about ammo

    They have a system like this in Red Orchestra. It works well because it wont tell you the exact number of bullets but only the approximate amount left. *The mag feels almost full* *The mag feels half empty* *The mag feels almost empty* *The mag feels empty*
  20. PracticalTactical

    The switch from console to PC

    Been PC gamin' since 2001. Went to consoles around 2004-2005...those were the dark years. I saw the light and was reunited with PC gaming. I have never looked back nor bought a console since.
  21. PracticalTactical

    Starting a group.

    Please, let me into your group. I only stab on tuesdays.
  22. PracticalTactical

    ROCKET. Playing with friends question (Standalone)

    I think in a real SHTF type scenario there would be groups of people that would have been together since the world went to hell. Maybe have the ability to make a party and have a higher % chance of spawning near or with each other? As in not every single time would you spawn with other players. Example: 4 players are in a group together and when they spawn in 2 players spawn beside each other while player 3 spawns 100 meters away and player 4 spawns 1000 meters away. Maybe something like that could work? I don't know.
  23. PracticalTactical

    Is DayZ Scary Anymore?

    I think DayZ needs to capitalize on the night a bit more. More strange sounds, strange lights etc. It would be great if there were some sort of other creature out there than just zombies like the stalkers in namalsk.
  24. PracticalTactical

    one thing that bugs me about pvp whiners..

    stop whining about pvp whiners
  25. PracticalTactical

    Requesting Optimization Suggestions

    Hah I played ARMA 2 wasteland today. Noticed I was only getting 27 fps on medium/high settings. I lowered all my settings to the lowest possible...still getting 27 fps. I then raised my settings to the highest possible...28 fps. WHAT!??!