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Everything posted by PracticalTactical

  1. PracticalTactical

    How to beat the game.

    You beat DayZ when you force someone to obey your every command because of your sheer power and greatness bandit, hero and survivor alike.
  2. PracticalTactical

    How to make friends in Day Z?

    Find a specimen you think is ripe for picking. Follow that specimen until the opportunity arises where he is not expecting interaction. Walk up behind him, put your rifle to his head and tell him to get on the ground. Handcuff him, loot his gun and then sit down beside him and explain your situation. After that, keep him subdued enough that he will follow you and if he betrays you (trys to run away, stab you in the back etc.) break his legs. This fellow will be your friend forever. Sometimes you need to discipline the new found friend with some light person to person interaction. I have found both punches to the gut and baseball bats to the legs, arms and feet work well to train and condition your new found friend to be loyal and never leave you! Just remember, don't interact with them too hard or you could damage them beyond repair and then they are no use to you. Enjoy! Happy new year to you and your new friend!
  3. PracticalTactical

    Slide down Ladders!!

    Thats very dangerous. It could be in the game only if you had a 50% chance of falling and breaking your head open.
  4. PracticalTactical

    SKS rifle will be a mix of DMR and M14 aim ?

    Are the SKS's as inaccurate as they are in real life?
  5. PracticalTactical

    [SA] Wearing sunglasses causes less sun brightness

    This idea is very good. Different sunglasses could reduce glare in different ways. Maybe have some rose tinted glasses or something.
  6. PracticalTactical

    Coloured markings.

    This would be an excellent thing to put in standalone! Instead of having a hovering nameplate or indicator floating above ones head, why not just a simple arm band to tell friend from foe? Genius idea! It would be cool if you could tie the bands to your arms, legs, neck or head and possibly have multiple bands on each limb. Different colour combinations for different groups maybe. I sure hope a developer sees this.
  7. PracticalTactical

    DayZ is FailZ (Lacklustre Infected comment)

  8. PracticalTactical

    Welcome to the Psikhuskas (Mental institution)

    This is a good idea. Chernarus needs new unique buildings such as the one in this suggestion.
  9. PracticalTactical

    A Realistic-ish Way to Identify a Bandit

    1 maybe. 2 only if the person who was killed wrote it themselves.
  10. PracticalTactical

    Bodies of Schrödinger

    No. Fix some damn bugs please. OOoOOooOoOOoOOOoOoOoooOOoo so sorry cause its ALPHA!!!! ALPHER!!!!!
  11. PracticalTactical

    Why is Podeba Dam gone?

    I got into a firefight three times at Pobeda dam. Won 2/3 aswell :)
  12. PracticalTactical

    Honest review

    I'd rub your belly....
  13. PracticalTactical

    THE DAYZ WISH LIST (From the Community to the Devs)

    Make opening doors/gates and going up/down ladders easier. That bloody green arrow is very difficult. Maybe make the door/ladder highlight when you put your cursor over it?
  14. PracticalTactical

    The murder conundrum.

    This here. I shall take no such direction from a NPC. I have encountered several people and none of them killed me on sight. Only one got aggressive and he only wanted me to give him his M4 back. I didn't even cap is ass though. You has got to use that mic and be real tactical about it.
  15. Yeah that's a good pc for sure. Should run ARMA/DayZ really well. Due note that DayZ Standalone is in Alpha and may perform less than expected even on the highest end rigs at this point in time.
  16. PracticalTactical

    Day/Night Cycle

    Nighttime is too dark. I always end up getting killed by a door or breaking my legs on steps in the night, just like real life. LOL
  17. PracticalTactical

    Zoom for Iron Sights / Red Dots, etc.

    Nice picture TIC321! Can I borrow it?
  18. PracticalTactical

    What is 1 clothing item that you would want in DAYZ

    These are very good boots. I wear them here in Canada during the winter and when working. Would love to see these in game, maybe they could have extra durability or something because they're really good boots!
  19. PracticalTactical

    Zoom for Iron Sights / Red Dots, etc.

    I think the zoom kind of try's to simulate focus.
  20. PracticalTactical

    What are some new placeable items you Would like to see??

    I would like to place signs :)
  21. PracticalTactical

    Gun attachments? What kind would you like to see?

    This is a false statement. How secure the attachments are depends entirely on how well you tape said attachment to gun and how much duct tape is used. Is this a challenge?
  22. PracticalTactical

    In-Game Recording Device?

    That would be really cool if it could be done.
  23. PracticalTactical

    Gun attachments? What kind would you like to see?

    EXACTLY! Who needs a picatinny rail when you have DUCT TAPE?
  24. PracticalTactical


    I could tell you to f*** off but that won't solve anything. Some of us CANNOT AFFORD or DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO "better specs".
  25. PracticalTactical

    Looking for partner :D

    Obviously not the kind of partnership you are willing to give me. Thats alright, lets move on.