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Everything posted by PracticalTactical

  1. PracticalTactical

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    Less high tech military loots and more civilian type weapons IE: Lee Enfield, Mosin Nagant, double barrel shotgun, over under shotgun (one barrel for bullet, one for shot), AK type weapons (eastern bloc), some sort of .22 rifle and .22 pistol (silent, light, plenty of ammo, can still kill you, perfect sneaky assassin/light packing survivor weapon), Ability to trick your ride out (add corrigated steal panneling, spraypaint it different colours to match with environment, ability to shoot out of vehicles/mount an mg as a turret), BATTLEBUS!!!! (or battle ural), ability to add 7.62mm cans to the guns on the heli so you wont run out of ammo and not be able to reload in any way, hunting knife as weapon, stealthkills (cut throat, choke, smother), molotov cocktails, building bases, splints.
  2. PracticalTactical

    Playing With (and honoring) the Dead

    What is this I dont even...
  3. PracticalTactical

    Two Helicopters Patrolling Cherno Eliminating The Criminals

    My group and I have gotten shot down more at cherno than we have actually killed anyone. Mostly AS50s and m107s haha. Those things make mincemeat out of hueys. Scares the crap out of people when you blindfire into their general direction lol. *CRACK* *CRACK* *CRACK*
  4. PracticalTactical

    What was your very first ever DayZ death?

    I spawned at Kemenka, in pitch black darkness (literally couldn't see anything, only slight outlines contrasting against the ocean). After dropping several flares, I decided that it would probably be smart to follow the road and railway tracks west. I ended up in the debug plains, lost and not knowing what to do. No flares left, i made a turn into the woods. An hour later, starved, thirsty and beaten I decided to end it all.
  5. PracticalTactical

    Standalone - worried?

    I actually would rather them take a few more months to put out a solid product than have them rush to put out a glitchy and incomplete game. After playing WarZ, in my opinion Dayz is still betther than it. WarZ seems rushed, very rushed and a little bit cheap. It was fun for the two 48 hour passes I was given by a friend of mine, but near the end of the last hours of me playing the game, it got quite boring. We had literally done every major spot on the map in about 8 hours of gameplay over two days (and even most of the areas that are very minor). WarZ's colorado map actually felt quite bland, incomplete and inferior to dayz's Chernarus IMHO. As someone who has worked on mod teams as a mapper (not on ARMA) I know what it takes to make a quality map, a OK map and a shitty map. WarZ's map seems to me something that could be put together in a relatively short time, and honestly, it feels like they spent about two days on the map then rushed to release. I think DayZ will do fine as long as rocket and team can fix the hacker problem, which is in my opinion what ruins the experience most of all.
  6. PracticalTactical

    Some backstory to enhance the DayZ expierence

    Sorry, I find it hard to imagine a navy convoy with helicopter gunship escort being completely penetrated and owned by pirates in small skiffs. One of the navies primary jobs right now is fighting piracy off the coast of somalia among other places. I do however, think that all the destroyed military vehicles need to be explained a bit more and that a story that involves some sort of conflict where maybe this virus was released as a form of biological terrorism would be plausible. It would explain the massive military presence that is all over chernarus.
  7. PracticalTactical

    Remove 24/7 Daylight servers.

    In my opinion nights the best to play. Zombies agro less, players cant see you aswell, plus flashlights! :D
  8. PracticalTactical

    Zombie twins breaks the immersion :(

    Use your IMAGINATION. Maybe they were twins before the apocapits.
  9. PracticalTactical

    Military is still active.

    Hey gais, wudent et bhe kewl ef der wuz liek jetz an abrehms taynks en deyZ? aynd liek rawket lawncewrs and nukiller bobms>!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!