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Everything posted by Dunhagen

  1. I used to only shot bandits, now i shoot everybody, its just safer for me. If there were bandit skins again, i would atleast consider not shooting them.
  2. Dunhagen

    Defensive and Healing Spells

  3. Dunhagen


    I think there is too much ammo as it is. If you can carry boxes with ammos, you'll never round out of ammo. Idea = No me gusta
  4. Dunhagen

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Rocket you are awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome!
  5. Dunhagen

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Maybe some random forest walkers, so it isn't that save to roam the woods, also it would make me even more paranoid in woods! I always turn around when i hear a bird or something!
  6. Dunhagen

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Get over it. Don't be so pedantic!
  7. Dunhagen

    Electric and Natural lighting's V 4.0

    As long as you don't get a reward for doing it! You don't get a reward for repairing cars other than using the car. So only reward for repairing the power grid would be, it works.
  8. Dunhagen

    Ability to take/eat fruits of the forest

    Aye, there is currently no need for berries, sorry.
  9. Dunhagen

    Holster pistol

    I'm always tempted to shoot people, when they look at me, because i always think they are aiming at me! Holstering the weapon would be awesome!
  10. Dunhagen

    MERGED: Booby traps, Explosives and IED's

    I really like this idea, feels pretty apocalpytic.
  11. Dunhagen

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    It's sunday, give him a day off!
  12. Dunhagen

    Humanity is out; community is in

    No need for DayZ-book.
  13. Dunhagen

    Electric and Natural lighting's V 4.0

    I'd always try to sabotage the power grid, so people need to light their flares, what give me the opportunity to sniper them.(at night)
  14. Dunhagen

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Maybe don't have numbers for the temp-system. Instead like, "you feel cold." "you are warm." "you are freezing" etc. You can calculate with numbers and thats unrealistic.
  15. Dunhagen

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    I really like the temperature system. Made me argue with my buddy when to put up a fire and also where. Found out a good spot is inside a building. Maybe it could be possible to cook caned food. You can't cook canned food yet, can you ?
  16. Dunhagen

    X Marks the Spot - Barrying Your Loot

    Agreed, i want to stalk people and shoot them at their stash and take all their stuff!