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About maxron123

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  1. maxron123

    crossbow - 10 arrows in one slot.

    That is just stupid, no one is going to use it again, they should put 5 or 10 if they not , no one is going to even touch it
  2. maxron123

    crossbow - 10 arrows in one slot.

    that is awsome
  3. Crossbow is a very good weapon but the problem is that one arrow taking one slot that is too much space, I think that the developers should put 10 or 5 arrows in one slot and allot of people will start using it. if you think about it , it is very logical arrows don't take allot of space in real life.
  4. I want a new start, really tired from being a bandit. I want to become a hero but is impossible to do it with -100000. can the developers do it back to 0 ?
  5. maxron123

    PVP quick clips

    The last pvp footage was so funny
  6. maxron123

    Private hive is a legal?

    sorry but what is "PW" ?
  7. I want to open private hive to play just with my friends, i have retial copy (bought it) can I get banned ?
  8. to long, show the interesting stuff
  9. maxron123

    Blow Up a Player Camp !

    YO MAN YOU ARE SO COOL NOW !!!!!!!!! I don't really understand what the point of that, it took them hours maybe days to make the camp and some douchebag came and blow it, if you see a camp take what you need and go away, because0of bitches like you the game is little bit less fun
  10. maxron123

    killed a man at cherno towers

    no it is just funny because he could not shoot at climber and he had all the loot you can imagine
  11. yesterdayi found at cherno DMR and i log off, today i log in at some random server and went to cherno towers i climb up and some man started to shoot at me with as 50 while i was climbing up when i finished he still didn't get me i started to spray him with DMR and i killed him took his all stuff and run away from there. so bandits dont ever go to the towers because it is not safe for you either.
  12. when i respawn at electro/cherno i find good loot and run away from there and never come back are you doing it too?