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Everything posted by castigador

  1. castigador

    Gamma Squad (Surv-andit)

    Is your server US3470 hosted by Gamma Squad? If yes (and i have every reason to believe so) could you then please explain to me this following example of extreme non sportsmanship: Today while playing on your server, after having toured the NW airfield I deicided to go to Stary. On the vybor --> kabanino road I suddenly hear gunshots. After hidning first I started to look around. Then I saw a sniper being followd by a zombie. The sniper was called "OB" As I saw he had good equipment I opened fire on him and after a douzen or so rounds he was killed. 3 seconds after that i was kicked off and the server locked. After the server reopenend I joined again and saw that OB was still dead (probably thanks to the new combat lock system) however Immediatly after I was at OB's corpse I was fired upon and killed. This smells to me as extreme abuse and now I also know why you guys have good gear.