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About Forceh

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  1. Server is merging into something more awesome than it is, check out http://redd.it/1bo90o for more information!
  2. We have had quite a few new players joining the past few days, the new whitelisting method that we have implemented seems to be working well!
  3. We were having problems with our new whitelisting method where it was a bit broken on the website side of things, it should be fixed now. If you have any problems then try and whitelist yourselves again. Update @ 15:30GMT Found a few more bugs and they should also be fixed now.
  4. March 29 2013 > New whitelist method implemented, join our server and get your unique whitelist code, then fill out the form at http://dayz.frak.eu/whitelist.php
  5. Thanks to everyone that applied to the whitelist today! Don't forget people, we are currently in the process of letting you, the community shape how the server should continue on into the future. Visit us at http://dayz.frak.eu/
  6. March 28 2013 > Any vehicles that are out of bounds will now have their inventory and position reset back to default. The first pass of this revealed that 11 vehicles were out of bounds, including two choppers, they have been reset to default.
  7. Your Battleye GUID is a unique 32 character id that you are given, you need to join a Battleye Enabled server and type "#beclient guid" (without the quotes) then you will be given your 32 character id, that is all we need.
  8. March 27 2013 > I have completely redesigned the main website so that it looks a lot sexier and functions better than the old design, you can check it out at http://dayz.frak.eu/
  9. Are there any servers out there that are looking to merge with another server to help increase the player count? We are looking for a well established server to merge with DayZ Unleashed to help keep the server alive and increase our player count. We will host the server and hive etc etc, PM me if you're interested.
  10. I've done some updates to the server now and we have just added in extra stuff like custom wrecks and care packages.
  11. You need side channel these days otherwise you can't even communicate with the players in-game with IRC/Rcon.
  12. If you're looking for a vanilla DayZ server we are currently running a server that has whitelisting, verteran settings etc. If you want some more information come and check us out at http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/127511-dayz-uk300-dayz-unleashed-private-hive-discussionwhitelist-looking-for-new-players-free-mumble-server-hacker-free/
  13. If you're looking for a vanilla DayZ server we are currently running a server, the only problem is even with 400 whitelisted players we can't even fill around 12 slots at the minute so not too good. If you want some more information come and check us out at http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/127511-dayz-uk300-dayz-unleashed-private-hive-discussionwhitelist-looking-for-new-players-free-mumble-server-hacker-free/