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  1. Snivel

    Please adjust the damage values soon

    Maybe the damage system is like the one from arma 3 ? i noticed that in arma 3 if you shoot someone at the "edge" of his body, the shot will inflict much, much less damage, like a graze wound. The mysterious non lethal headshots would be caused by the weapon being not totally accurate (we know the deal with sway, weapon attachments etc...) and the bullet grazing the head ? it would explain how the woolen cap was ruined but not his brain :p
  2. Snivel

    Caves/ Mines

    If i'm not mistaken it's a feature already planned by the devs ^^ but they just talked about "underground buildings" or something like that. But yeah some natural or man-made cave and mines would be good, and i like the idea of multiple entrances, imagine the well fortified base, all entrances barricaded except from that sneaky little hole in the middle of high grass on the surface, a whole group of bandits sneak in and.. let's say that the best surprises are thoses you are not aware about ;p On the other hand i don't think mining with dynamite (read expanding the cave) would be possible to implement, for a couple reasons : 1) you are not an expert miner, the explosion could make the mine collapse on you 2) too difficult to create a randomly generated cave expansion system that would allow virtually infinite digging 3) it's dayz, a WALKING simulator, not a mining simulator :p (though i wouldnt mind being able to extract a few materials out of ores, etc...)
  3. Snivel

    Wishlist for the finished game:

    If i'm not mistaken, most of theses features are already planned by the devs or were already suggested by other forum users :/
  4. You mean Chivalry medieval warfare melee system ? :p I agree on being able to block, but that's all, there shouldnt be too many different attack types, it would be (i think) too much work for the devs for a useless result : what's the point of having a lot of different attacks in dayz ? Swing/stab should be the only 2 melee attacks, and not on every weapon. (Stabbing with a wrench ? more like tickling your opponent to death :p )
  5. Snivel

    Let perma death be perma death

    What about setting a minimum distance between last death point and respawn ? It could work even with the coast-only respawn system we have now. Let's say that if you die you'll respawn at 3 kilometers *minimum* from your body. If the guy can run his way to it before it is looted or the server respawn, we can let him have his gear again.
  6. Snivel

    Complete change of the weapons Accesory system

    Very nice idea ! They should also make it so when you fire a weapon it does not only have vertical recoil and should move a little in the free aim area, the lighter the weapon the more it moves, it would add another way to simulate carbines etc... being more accurate than pistols.
  7. Snivel

    just a pic to inspire the devs.

    A "Signature" place like this would be awesome ! I'd really like to see more unique locations in dayz, even if they do not spawn a lot of loot, but just to walk in and feel the melancholy of the thousands of lives the infection destroyed.
  8. Snivel

    Have people in this game gone insane?

    I'd say just wait for things to calm down, right now a lot of people bought Dayz, the game got on the steam front page or something and even more people bought it, so in the lot there has to be some unenjoyable (i'm keeping it polite) players who will soon get bored of dayz and go on the super cool brand new revolutionary next gen FPS. Also when Survival and actual environmental dangers will be implemented it should reduce the number of players (you can't KOS the weather y'know).
  9. Snivel

    Shoe sizes and clothing sizes

    Many thanks, you are a true gentleman.
  10. Snivel

    Shoe sizes and clothing sizes

    whoops so sorry ! bad keyword in the search engine i guess ! thanks for noticing, is there a way for me to remove the post ?
  11. Snivel

    Shoe sizes and clothing sizes

    Something that bugs me in the SA at the moment is the "I see a cloth I put it on immediately" thing, especially regarding shoes. You juts find and put on any pair of shoe/clothing you find, without having to worry about the size, fitting or anything. I agree that's simpler concerning gameplay and it would be complex to add to the game, but would it be better if we had to worry about the size of our clothing ? For the upper body clothing, it would not be a problem, in the worst case a too tight clothing would protect less against the elements, but for pants, it would be inconvenient for running. (Maybe it would even crack up if you start sprinting too much ? :P ) also, maybe if grabbing is added to the game, larger clothing would make you easier to grab and vice versa. Shoes, however, should fit your foot if you don't want to risk an injury. Too short shoes could give you a slower run speed, and over the time foot injuries (not at the point of not being able to walk) whereas too large shoes would maybe fall off your feet if you run, or give you blisters over the time. Also, gender-specific clothing (I'm not talking about skirts or anything) could apply to upper clothing. A women who would want to wear a hoodie which is shaped for males could be.. too tight in the torso zone ? I don't know what penalties that could create, but the community is creative ! The inegal part is that if a male want to wear a piece of clothing shaped for females it would just look unfit. What do you think ? Sorry if I missed a similar post, the search tool gave nothing. Sorry also for my potentially bad grammar/spelling as I'm not a native english speaker !
  12. Snivel

    Asian Male is the Fastest Runner?

    Maybe some random on-spawn attributes given to your character we aren't aware about ? Sometimes randomly when you respawn your character may have a slight boost to running or faster metabolism (getting hungry and thirsty faster but also heals faster)
  13. Well, I just think duping kills the spirit of Dayz, which is survival, immersion and a little touch of roleplay. If i want to get instantly geared and start a team deathmatch (i like to, sometimes) i go play another fps. What is the point duping equipement in a game which one of the most important mechanic is looting and actually finding your gear ? Apart from ruining legit players day i don't see anything else. Server hopping however is a different thing. Myself when i happen to find an entirely looted town in a highly populated server i tend to switch to a lower populated one. I'm not proud of that, but as you said once loot respawning will be added there won't be any reason hopping between servers.
  14. First of all sorry if i missed another similar topic, i used the search fonction but didnt found anything. I was thinking that pain in dayz is not reflected enough on the gameplay, on how your character behave. In the mod, for example (i'm aware of the limits and difficulties adding complex effects in the mod) the only backdraw to having been hurt is that your character moaned a little and held his weapons less steadily. I didnt find anything more in the SA. So why not adding new pain effects to the characters ? Not just the shock and uncounsciousness already present in game, but more advanced mechanics. For example, you have been stabbed several times in the stomach. Even if you bandaged yourself and are not bleeding anymore, sometimes your character would slow down and hold his stomach in pain. Another example : You have been hit in the leg by a bullet, but fortunately it didnt broke your bone. Your character would still be limping around. And i've been thinking of another mechanic, something like a pain threshold. If you receive a more severe wound, your character could be incapacitated for a few seconds. Example (i like examples :) ) you receive a bullet in the back. Your character falls the the ground, tries to reach the wound in a spasmodic way while coughing in pain before being able to get up and start running (if it's possible) again. What do you think ? Oh and sorry for my possibly bad grammar and spelling, i'm not a native english speaker (and it's also late in the evening and i'm tired :P)
  15. Why not having both types of zombies ? Could be interesting having a zombie horde with fast fragiles zombies (most likely unequiped civilians) and slower, hard-hitting and harder to take down ? (will most likely be military zombies with body protections and helmets) This opens for a wide variety of tactics, for example one human aggro the horde, drives them away while his friends kill and loot (when this will be implemented) the military slower zombies without having to worry about the faster group. This will also force the players to adapt their tactics, playstyle to the encountered zombie(s). The slower and faster zombies should not apply only to hordes, also to the lone zombie appearing in small towns. And of course, military zombies would be more common in military zones.