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  1. Same problem, heard a lot of flies and never found a dead body since last patch. I played on several server and all was on last update with last beta 93825.
  2. hatchet now need to be on primary weapon slot, or take 10 slots in backpack. And, yes i think we need a smaller hatchet to just cut wood. Crossbow + Hatchet, you will never heard me !!!
  3. Hi! Just played now, and before sleep i just want to notice that hatchet are spawning too much. Last barns i have visited, all spawn position holding an hatchet... and the small kind of barns near also have two hatchets. I love this stuff but i also need food and drinks... And also thx for all the dev-team, this mod is on a very good way! Big-UP!
  4. This bug is not from Day-Z, it's also in Arma 2 and OA. We should report it to bohemia directly. @PsychoChicken : when you take a primary weapon, the one you have in hand return on ground with it's ammo. But agree with the backpack bug (lot of gear lost like this :-( ).
  5. amazing.... why ppl getting so idiot ? paying for Hack a game like this??? do they really enjoy playing? Fucking world...
  6. Yeah, plz Rocket give us a small hatchet for wood ! 10 slots... for what ??? or spawn wood in the woods...
  7. Hi! I have a little question, how can i pick up the hatchet now ? It's say that i don't have enough room in my inventory ?! wtf? I have 6 slot free, and i remeber that was an "item"... how can i do ? Thx
  8. "Actually... we are customers as a lot of people bought Combined Ops because of Day Z." Lol... yes and Bohemia interactive reverse all the cash benefit to rocket and his team! I heard he will buy Microsoft and Google tomorrow. Please stop trolling, or pls just think a bit before write some stupid things like this.
  9. oh shit! it's awesome... can't wait! But i think that some stupid guyz will wait on beach with rifles for killing ppl with just a bandage... like in Syria. (oh sorry)
  10. vehicles is already re addded... since a week i think, just the chopper are not available for now. (It was do with a server-side patch)
  11. the 93825, or the one who follow. Many of change have be done, like Radio-Channel, toneMapping, and some bug fix. In all case you should install the lastest for less bugs and more fps.
  12. @Turk : We need to wait for Arma 3 and Day-Z released on it, in the current game engine, i think all that you say isn't possible.
  13. Sorry but it's an Alpha version of Day-Z, so if you don't want to complicate your life with beta patch install, bug, etc... don't come there to cry like little girl ! Every thread i read, every time little girls come and wrote they're fucking cry... Go play COD or Left 4 dead... and don't waste the dev team time! Oh, and try the six-updater tools... maybe more easy for you little girl... lol
  14. yes, but since the latest beta patch, with Tone Mapping change, we can see shit! Last night, i tried to play on a server, and after 30min walking on this fucking dark night (no moon...). i moved to a day time server. We need to see at a minimum radius of 5 or 10 meters. Have you ever see a night when you can't see your hands ??? me never, so for realism and also for gameplay, it's shit... Dev or server-hoster may adjust the tone-mapping or gamma setting to make the night a little more "playable". Before that you will see some night-server with maximum 5 hardcore crazy gamer (or player with NVG...). Also for who got NVG, it's making the game so easy, they just have to walk around good loot without care about other bandit (or perhaps from who also got the NVG..)