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BenKen (DayZ)

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About BenKen (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. BenKen (DayZ)

    More Realism(Stamina, Breath)

    @Jars Yea the idea with the quick drop is awesome....when u are hunted by someone u have to make a decision, fight or drop everything and run! it doesn't have to be a bar....but a system which works like i said
  2. BenKen (DayZ)

    More Realism(Stamina, Breath)

    i like realism...i think its absurd that you have to drink, to eat but you can ran 10000000 km with out getting tired. dayz was meant as a survival simulation! And stamina doesnt mean that you have to stop after every km....the stamina bar will drop very slowly and lets say every 200 km u have to make a short brake, maybe sitting 5 minutes at a camp fire and eating some meat.
  3. BenKen (DayZ)

    More Realism(Stamina, Breath)

    Some Surviving realism-suggestions: - you have a stamina bar - you also have a breath bar - the breath bar is always 20 % of your stamina bar, so when your staminabar drops, your maximum breathlevel also drops - every movement decrease your stamina bar a bit(normal running, going, sprinting) - when you sprint, your breathbar drops, this also decrease your stamina bar a bit - when your breathbar is zero, but u still sprint, your stamina bar start to drop rapidly - when you stop sprinting and run at normal speed, your breathbar regenerate slowly up to 100 % - when your staminabar is zero, you became unconscious - eating, drinking increase your staminabar, but not your breathbar - sitting, lying arround increae your stamina bar and breathbar(it fill up rapidly) - sprinting, running increase also your body temperature when u have a full stomache, u could get a debuff over time for your breath(-50% or so) and when your breath is zero and you still sprint, your charakter puke and you have to eat again. maybe food increase the staminabar different. For example energy bars increase your stamina more than your hunger or meat increase your hunger alot, but your stamina bar only a bit with this system, it will ad some awesome realism, wehn you hunt people or you run away from other players. you have to plan your rations and your movements.