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Everything posted by SumoS

  1. SumoS

    FreeTown - Standalone

    Dont forget that defending your town from a group of bandits would be awesome. You may have the advantage if your town was fortified enough.
  2. Sniped while running over a hill in the woods.
  3. Both are unreliable due to bugs in Tents can only save in original states and vehicles will reappear in previous positions after restarts.
  4. SumoS

    FreeTown - Standalone

    This could be possible once they sort building shelters or even underground areas for the standalone. Once you can build your own then all you need to do is recreate your idea. You would need to enforce it yourself or get other people to help you. Rocket has already said he wants to give people tools to make their own stories so this might be very unlikely to happen unless someone makes their own. Check Freeside Trading Co. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/57811-event-freeside-trading-co-open-trading-83-85/
  5. SumoS

    Lingerie zombies

    I hope this will tide you over until then:
  6. SumoS

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Don't bother pick them up then?
  7. SumoS

    Bird flocks

    Better yet:
  8. Mate stop trolling now. There are alot of threads and topics devoted to it. Please use the search function.
  9. Agreed. So why did the forum team post an inappropriate reply instead of just deleting it? His topic was not needed and his demands were based on his own selfishness but the fact that Delta Smoke 01 acted untoward of his position did not help matters. Instead of locking the thread it blew out of control and had to be deleted to save face.
  10. SumoS

    Hero Skin?

    Its just cosmetic. I just look bad-ass B)
  11. Plenty of people have made the same questions Grimson has and not been treated that way. What makes him any different? In the future use the search function mate but I don't agree in the response you received.
  12. Edit: Removed attachment due to it being biased if read out of context. Saved a copy.
  13. SumoS

    idea for new mode in standalone

    Great idea. Been thinking this for a while. Minecraft did a great version of this. However, the best part of the hunger games is that several people died in the first minute of the game being active. Cages open and everyone rushes for gear or legs it into the woods. Some people get the weapons first and take out the weaklings.
  14. SumoS

    Hey, help me out!

    L85 is in game. Radio was in game at one point but not legitimately anymore. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Radio
  15. SumoS

    Hero Skin?

    Private Military Company for Arma 2 http://store.steampowered.com/app/65720/ High rez character textures for Arma 2, including Day Z
  16. SumoS

    G17 vs AKM

    You lecture him and tell him to suck your dick...
  17. It is touch and go at the minute. It seems that server restarts can make tents and vehicles not load properly. Keep restarting til they are back and everything works as intended.
  18. Sorry if this has posted elsewhere. I have performed searches and seen loads of people posting this script as a reason for a ban. Does: (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};" denote an invisible script? I ask because I have a large wall of this coming from many players. I didn't think script fiddling was this prominent! Cheers
  19. SumoS

    Invis hack script

    Started already but just seemed odd. Getting to it then. Ta very much
  20. Isn't there a cross at the NE airfield near to a few small buildings? There should be a chopper landing pad (Cross) at all of the airfields.
  21. Yes, shooting from vehicles would be great. Possibility a waste of ammo and highly inaccurate but still great to have.
  22. Items numbers are stored in the HIVE mate.
  23. I feel we should be given the benefit of the doubt but I still think we need to be able to provide some form of evidence or at least a valid reason for banning someone. If you want to do this check out the private HIVEs. They run anti scripting commands and can ban people willy nilly. We are more accountable so that whatever we do is not classed as admin abuse.