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Everything posted by SumoS

  1. You try to enter another vehicle? Climb a ladder? Try initiating another action.
  2. So you want a lift and are offering items you don't have as a means to pay for said lift?
  3. High end gear is too easy to find for numerous reasons. Chopper crashes certainly do fit in to the discussion.
  4. Looks like Teepee was shooting Sgt Goodman. Leading to his chopper exploding.
  5. Downward spiral from the announcement of the standalone. Predictably, people will wait for the standalone or change to the next game on their list. It was inevitable. They have the data they need to start the standalone Alpha and have stated they will continue to use the mod as a test base. Surely this is what was expected to happen?
  6. SumoS

    Think Before You Call Someone A Hacker

    The reticule plus SD variant was never intended to be used together. It is not legitimate. Even the TWS, still requires some element of skill, is not a legitimate weapon as the thermal sighting is not intended to be a part of this mod, after it's removal many patches ago. There is nothing to justify their use. Either educate yourself on what not to take or stop being naive.
  7. SumoS

    Think Before You Call Someone A Hacker

    If people condone the use of hacked weapons then they can be just as bad as hackers. There has been a a long period for people to actually be made aware of the issue regarding hacked weapons. Most people know what is and isn't legitimate. If they use them then they are merely breeding the bad habits and taking advantage of a system that was not intended. Eventually this attitude permeates the game and more people have the same views. Do us a favor and drop them and/or hide them. They may not be skiddies but they certainly are a waste of space.
  8. SumoS


    Just drink yourself to death... Oh wait... someone drank all the Jack Daniels... Smoking certainly could relax your character but to see this added, I would like to see a finite amount of matches. Instead of the infinite amount of matches we currently have. This reminds me of smoking in MGS to see the lasers. Good times :)
  9. He may have been wanting to restart the mission to prevent a hacker he saw from doing anything. Futile but certainly not proof of a hacker.
  10. Find out from what and put in a bug report. The debug monitor is a placeholder and only used in debugging. There is no way to default it to on. If you want to check your kills press ' I '. So much easier. The debug monitor will be completely removed soon so I would recommend learning to play without it or only turn it on to check your exact blood level. IF you have it permanently on you are eventually going to die from starvation/thirst or bleeding if you are not careful. Overall, removing the debug monitor was great and has added some much needed immersion to the experience. Hopefully more changes will be added that reduce the UI to only a few icons.
  11. Integrated will run it. Just don't expect cutting edge graphics. Make sure you fully update your drivers, tweak your files a bit and you should be able to run it smoothly on low settings.
  12. SumoS

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    Indeed. Let other modders deal with that and get the Dev team to focus on what they actually need to do.
  13. Indeed remove all of their id details (GUID, IP and name) and we can scrutinize if they were hacking.
  14. SumoS

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    Personally a zombie in a straight jacket would be great to see. Wouldn't be more dangerous though. Nurse zombies, a la Silent Hill, could be interesting but there would be too many videos looking up their skirts. And those are the PG 13 ones...
  15. Only a matter of time... oh and mine is biggest...
  16. SumoS

    Bandit at Stary Sobor GB #500

    That is the game dude. Some guys are happy to shoot you and take your gear. Or for the fun of it.
  17. Frankly if they hack they deserve it. This only assists in culling the players that are not welcome in the first place. Secondly, they do not need to dig through hundreds of topics. They can use the search function or check the official announcements section. Better yet, they can use common sense.
  18. SumoS

    Bandit at Stary Sobor GB #500

    That is their job dude. You guys should be more careful. :s
  19. SumoS

    banned want to restart

    ''Didnt know what it was...'' Excuse doesn't work. You have Google. You knew what you were doing. Ignorance is not a defence.
  20. He wants it to go to consoles. It is not confirmed or definite. It will still be driven primarily by the PC. http://www.joystiq.com/2012/08/15/dayz-lead-wants-game-on-consoles-having-meetings-about-it-at/
  21. Indeed. They are very aware of the issue of hacking and exploiting. They have made numerous statements during and after PAX. Check the status of those replies and the relevant news feeds in the announcement section. This is endemic of the mod itself as long as it uses the current script led engine. Think of the current state of play as a testing ground for anything they can do in the standalone to prevent this becoming rife.
  22. Pop the logs in and remove their names, GUID's and IP's. This all sounds fishy for both parties.