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Everything posted by SumoS

  1. Commendable idea for public TS server. Really hope people take full advantage of this and start playing as a team.
  2. SumoS

    Chicago 117 - Nikolay Hacker

    Evidence has been noted and he has been put on a watch list on the server. If this continues to occur we will be adding him to the ban lists. Thank you for your support.
  3. Dear Reichman, It is great to hear that you also have purchased a server with the best interests of this game, However, it has been brought to my attention that you have duplicated our server name and for that reason I ask that you modify it to avoid any confusion with the player base. I have approached HFB who it seems supplied our servers and they have informed me that you will be able to modify it through the config files. As you can see clearly we took possession of this Server number on the 5th of July : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24730-worlds-end-gamings-new-server-chicago-117/page__hl__chicagohttp://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24730-worlds-end-gamings-new-server-chicago-117/page__hl__chicago Looking forward to hearing from you with an appropriate response. Kind regards, SumoS P.s. Cool clan name :)
  4. Still trying to find those damn griffins in game...
  5. SumoS

    Operation GTA

    Is this on a private server or something? The uniform seems a bit off.
  6. SumoS


    Quite simply have a mouse wheel option that activates the trap or just chuck a can/bottle at it to activate it. That way it rewards people who pay attention and prevents griefing in shops or buildings.
  7. Hope this clarifies everything FL1pStYleZ. We do not condone ghosting amongst our members and pride ourselves on our strong sense of teamwork and camaraderie . Hope to see you on Chicago 117 soon!
  8. SumoS

    New Players Looking for Group

    Feel free to check us out if you are interested mate. All our details are below. You should be able to hop on our TS and try find a game with anyone that is on.
  9. SumoS

    Man on the Hill - 30 Kills, 6 Minutes, NWAF.

    Fab shooting Bullfrog.
  10. Hello there! World's End Gaming is a community of DayZ players that have joined together to play this wonderful mod. People from all walks of life, all different schedules and all different personalities, come together to survive the post-breakout world! We have a diverse crowd of active players and are growing day by day. To become apart of the community there are no requirements. Just bring yourself, an internet connection and hop on the TeamSpeak server. You will easily be able to find people to play with! You can find the info at the links below or feel free to send me a message. Look forward to seeing you in the field! Regards, SumoS
  11. SumoS

    Chicago 117 Hosted By WEG

    Thanks for the information deadlyslob. Will check through the logs to see if I can find anything but did you have any evidence of this happening? SS or videos would be extremely helpful.
  12. SumoS

    Chicago 117 Hosted By WEG

    Investigating and checking the logs. Will update with anything suspicious I find.
  13. Just to let people know that we have a new server: Chicago 117 Gmt-4 Hope to see some of you guys in game!
  14. Dear all, I am pleased to announce World's End Gaming's new server 'Chicago 117'. It has been recently started up and running with the settings we have deemed fit. The server will be resetting every 6 hours but please be aware that we have had issues with the server stopping after a scheduled restart. I endeavor to do my best in monitoring this and to be a helpful administrator. If you have any questions or feedback please check the FAQ post below first. Kind regards, SumoS (Matt)
  15. Name of Server: DayZ Zombie RPG - Chicago 117 (version number) dayzmod.com - Hosted by World's End Gaming Total Players: 40 Do members have priority for places? No, there is no way to enforce this until Rocket figures out how to lock slots. What are the settings? 3rdPersonView = 1; armor = 1; deathMessages = 1; enemyTag = 1; friendlyTag = 1; hud = 0; hudWp = 1; hudWpPerm = 0; map = 0; vonId = 1; weaponCursor = 0; Are these Settings final? No, they will be adjusted to the needs of the majority. Bring your feedback to me with a legitimate reason in this forum. When are the scheduled server resets? These will be at 12.00 am, 6 am, 12 pm and 6 pm Chicago Time. Will you ban people for hacking or exploiting? Yes, with proof. Without proof I will not waste my time digging through logs. Members are politely asked to make themselves known with clan tags [WEG] to assist in notifications and identification. Casual players who do not have a member status as of yet please remove clan tags if you have activated them. If you wish to become a member please use the template in the Membership section which can be found here . If there is anything else you wish to add feel free to post it below. I am running this server out of my own pocket at the moment but will decide on the viability of this in the future.
  16. SumoS

    Random military encounters

    Have them invade the northern towns and air fields instead. That way its more desirable than camping Cherno. Cool idea though, reminds me of the invasions currently being testing in the Firefall beta.
  17. So you cannot get the 10% discount for a 3 month purchase in addition to the July 4th sale? Edit: It states it clearly. My bad.
  18. [attachment=1779] Aye that's the quote I got. That certainly is not at £0.84 as stated on their site. Nice. Is that the recurring cost? Or just for the first month?
  19. Your site quotes them at £0.84 per slot/per month http://www.multiplaygameservers.com/game-servers/dayz/
  20. SumoS

    DayZ Development Twitter

    Nice. Feel free to check out the WEG feed as well. Updated with all your Day Z news, tips, videos and info.
  21. You can use this excuse to justify anything. You have no idea what post-apocalyptic life will be like so it is hardly fair to say that you were role-playing. Seems like you just wanted to take advantage of your situation and murder people for the fun of it.
  22. SumoS

    Hack teleport : Dragos

    Thanks for the update John! We will certainly review this new information and compare our logs.
  23. SumoS

    Option to Respawn at owned Tent

    Not a good idea. The point is not to keep returning to your tent to resupply. You die. You start again. You try and survive.
  24. SumoS

    Looking for someone to play with

    Feel free to check out our details below mate. We are a growing community and there is no per-requisites to playing with us. Hop on our TS and have fun.