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Everything posted by SumoS

  1. SumoS

    Once it becomes standalone.

    If it was just zombies it would be too easy, I certainly agree with you that playing with friends is fun but what is the point if there is little to no challenge? If you hoard all of the vehicles what happens next? There is no competition for anything so ultimately there is very little need to keep anything anyway. It sounds like the equivalent of killing the ender-dragon in Minecraft on creative mode. If this is how you want to play, good for you but please be aware that running a private server is against Day Z's terms and you are assisting the player-base that wants to take advantage of this mod and its mechanics for their own, selfish needs. Good luck to you kind sir.
  2. SumoS


    The 'No message received' screen indicates a server restarting via program. If it is a HFB server or any other supplier then you will get the 'No message received' screen leading to a 'Session lost' screen eventually. Going down for two hours without prior notice is suspicious though. However, playing devil's advocate here you could potentially argue that the maintenance was needed because of anything else happening. If hacking was going on at the same time they may have restarted the server and taken it down to dig through some logs. Their name has changed several times in the last few days so they probably restarted it to follow the Day Z naming convention. Until we hear both sides we wont know, but those images show the restart times and server events. Not much to convict anyone of abuse.
  3. SumoS

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    No. Wrong engine, wrong game, wrong market. If they want to develop it like Minecraft, in the beginning it will be impossible until they have released the standalone.
  4. SumoS

    World's End Gaming

    Agreed, that discussion going on did not show us in the best light. As a community we are going for a place that many different types of people can call home and feel welcome in, from military role-players to casual beaners. We have had some disagreements, like many others, but we certainly worked to address the issues that were raised. One of the main points was the revelation that some members were actively targeting each other's bases and vehicles. Ultimately, this ended up being an argument between a few individuals (one of whom was already accepted but not promoted on the forums officially until recently). The situation could have been dealt with quickly had this been brought to the attention of a moderator/admin but instead it devolved into a slandering match on the forums. Since then a number of protocols have evolved, sanctions been handed out and the relevant parties have re-conciliated. This community has been around for a few months and certainly the last few weeks have been a trying time for many members, myself included, but I am confident that with the hard work our members have put in that we have come out stronger because of it. Ultimately, the negative comments have helped us organize ourselves more effectively which is better for members and guests alike. Feel free to ask whatever you wish.
  5. Got another statistic for you. ''70% of all statistics are pulled out of thin air.'' All jokes aside now, Zoop has clearly stated the intentions of this thread several times. Many reputable server suppliers have posted in here and requested this to be stickied. This thread states clearly what we as legitimate server admins are able to do and please be aware that many hackers frequent clan servers to grief a larger group of people. So before you make accusations please work out whether you were affected by an admin or a hacker. Most reputable admins will have some form of communication. So contact them and try to reach a solution. Be aware that there is not much we can do except search for evidence in logs and kick and/or ban. If there is no evidence in the logs then there is very little we can do without visual or video clarification. We are on your side so stop hopping on the admin hating band-wagon. We use what tools we have available to provide a service to you.
  6. It is not being run by dev's. Just a small bunch of people. Brain is actively digging through server logs and taking precautions against hackers but ultimately Battle Eye can only do so much. Sadly server operators can only be reactive and not proactive to deal with the pests. Thunder-domes are the new fad at the moment but please be patient and these will be dealt with soon enough.
  7. Group-play needs to be encouraged more. A large portion of people run into the woods on their own. If blood bags could bring them back up to full heath it would be too easy.
  8. SumoS

    World's End Gaming

    Feel free to search through the forums mate. We have made numerous posts about World's End Gaming. We are a community for survivors and bandits alike and strive for a community where both can be welcomed and not suffer from prejudice. We also have a number of members who are our ambassadors to assist and provide advice. All of this, in conjunction with a dedicated server, Teamspeak 3, private forum, twitter feed and active community. Just a quick search for you: May 19- Bandit Campfire May 21- Survivor HQ June 15- Survivor HQ July 05- Server General etc.
  9. There is always exceptions to every rule. I am sure OJ is not the only person to have exploited this but in this case that does not mean that what you say is correct. I am merely a realist trying to look at this objectively. The phrase is common practice among many aspects of the law and they have evolved over a much larger period of time than your opinion. So if anything at least they have some merit. There is no evidence so far. By all means try to gather some evidence to substantiate your claim and then I am sure that all the 'where there is smoke there is fire' comments will pop up. With evidence I would be in your corner. I am a server admin and do not condone this and I agree with alot of the statements here but without proof this will not be looked at seriously.
  10. The phrase is 'innocent before proven guilty'. Not vice versa. Without proof we can not decide on a rightful claim. Go on another server in the meantime and stop dragging out this non-discussion.
  11. SumoS

    Removing respawn button redundant

    Its a first step in the right direction. If anything it probably has helped marginally. Let's see how this will be adapted.
  12. Dear all, I politely request that you refer to the stickied post that indicates what admins can and cannot do. Admin Abuse This has been an entertaining read but the lack of any suitable evidence and the constant derailing has led me to post this again. Read the link on admin abuse. If you have been kicked/banned for any reason other than exploiting, hacking or the other specific reasons, then you have a legitimate claim to do something about it. However, you need evidence supporting your claim. If you do not supply evidence then the admin will not need to either. This has devolved into a witch hunt with a lot of speculation. In the mean-time go on a different server and have fun. Check out US 571 or US 526. We wont kick you unless you breach the terms you signed up for. Happy admin hunting :) Kind regards, SumoS
  13. You Use search function. We have enough starter threads.
  14. Admins do not have the option to kill remotely. Hackers do. Hypothetically, if that was happening the admins could have locked the server to prevent more people from suffering from the hackers. They could be kicking to find the hacker. Not the best solution (and not legal) but please get your facts straight before you make wild accusations.
  15. SumoS

    Our HBF server down?

    Patience mate. They are under heavy strain with all the people ordering from them. They are getting better service-wise, which is good to see. It took my server 5 hours to get running but this was before the mandatory changes in the config files. Sit back and chill in the mean-time.
  16. FYI they cannot re-load from a save on their characters. They can only run back to their tents and restock. Kicking you sucks though. Please be aware that not all hosts do this. Some of us try to be respectable at least.
  17. SumoS

    100th post graphics glitch

    Its not a problem with your computer. It is caused by a number of items in the game. Please use the search function.
  18. FYI killing people in the the debug forest or 'wilderness' is a bannable offense. Killing unarmed players is not. This should not be much of an issue with the latest patch
  19. So this turning into Alan Wake? :P Interesting idea though. A search light is certainly a good idea and if it could be used independently by a passenger in a vehicle could be a great addition. Blinding players is already possible with other flashlights and car lights so this wouldn't be too big of a stretch to imagine. However, I don't think it should affect zeds. Imagine if the zeds were attracted to the light instead, similar to a laser light and a cat. You could bring zombies at a distance to a particular area but it would still show your position to other survivors. That would be tense and have a high level of risk and reward.
  20. SumoS

    DARK SOULS in Zombieland.

    Certainly both games have a steep learning curve.
  21. SumoS

    World's End Gaming

    Indeed. Feel free to hop on our TS or jump in a game. Links are below for details.
  22. SumoS

    how to kill my char

    That is precisely what Rocket is trying to avoid. That could lead to alot of negative media attention.
  23. SumoS

    Bandit Skins and Civi skin update.

    Certainly, or people will just farm zombie kills instead of playing legitimately. Why do we need to 'gamify' the simulator? Why not just go looking for the camo and ghillie where they spawn, as intended? They are slightly rare, so keep them that way.
  24. SumoS

    Bandit Skins and Civi skin update.

    I can see you have changed your idea drastically but this is still rewarding a specific type of behavior. They would still need to balance the rewards with other play styles.