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Everything posted by SumoS

  1. SumoS

    Trolling electro with dirtbike

    Gotta love people thinking they wont be affected by using hacked in clothing and or items. It will come back to bite you in the ass at some point.
  2. SumoS

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Another player that is naive in his understanding of using hacked items. Wrong attitude dude.
  3. SumoS

    Hero Skin?

    I heard tell of a mask on the closed testing servers. Friend of mine sent me this image when he got it. Image
  4. SumoS

    My Story - A good day to die

    Good story mate. That was a good day :)
  5. Nope. Map hack for that to locate it or a UI hack to show players. Details of camps/tents are saved on the hive per server.
  6. At the current moment in time it is not legitimate. It is being spawned in via scripts and is not in any of the loot tables.
  7. No. I am better than you, considering you are condoning the use of hacked items. He may not have hacked them but using something that someone else hacked in, when you know they are hacked, is going against what the developers are aiming for and is morally wrong. You know it is. So stop arguing in hypothetics. You telling me you never duped an item by accident when you first started? Some of the bugs caused by this engine are ridiculous and exploited but there are plenty of cases in which people do it by accident and don't even realize. Please also, take into account that many wont even know it is a bug until coming on to the forums to investigate. Only then can a portion of people see what is wrong and amend their ways. I do not understand why you fail to see why offering illegal items on this forum is ignorant. It is not an insult in the sense that I have used it and frankly plenty of people would be offended if you said anything to them on the street. If you look and smile at someone they could potentially get insulted (''What you looking at bro?'') so that is not comparable either. I don't condone intentional duplication but mistakes happen, that I can understand but after learning this you have to draw the line somewhere. Obviously some people don't care because it is all digital anyway and they would rather have an easier time getting gear. This to me ruins the game and defeats the point of the whole process. Ultimately, we are only here to test anyway so whats the big deal in having to start over? Agreed there has been a massive influx of 'script-kiddies' into this game due to the ineffective game engine but using them as an excuse is poor. They will be dealt with in due time.
  8. SumoS

    Item giveaway on UK116

    Its all gone dude. I took most of it yesterday and the rest of it was deleted due to a server restart.
  9. Previous form of currency. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groat_%28coin%29
  10. Indeed. I do not possess a groat kind sir but here are my beans. I knew they were changing it but did not think it was effective immediately.
  11. Game ratings are not based in law at all at the minute. They are not opinions but they are based on what should be deemed acceptable, for the majority. It is down to the consent of the guardians and he obviously has given his son his consent so there's no reason to argue anything there. Interesting point though. They will be changing the certification system in Europe so that retailers will be held accountable for underage sales. Obviously downloadable games makes this issue even more difficult to police. Lets see what happens. Back on topic: Found some generic contact details for them here: http://www.ipgn.com.au/FAQs Problem is if someone is running a server on their behalf.
  12. From previous experience, grouse are pretty dumb and tend to walk in front of you anyway. Clarification from the admins would help regardless. Do they not have contact details on their MOTD? Sorry bud not an admin for either of those but am in a mood to try help. Edit: AU 1 server details and recent history- http://dayzmonitor.com/server_info/298.html&hide_restarts Seems they have been having problems recently from hackers as well. Will check some more out.
  13. Your decision. Is he only banned through those servers? Or all the servers?
  14. Firstly, I will play devil's advocate here. If he was not hacking what else could he be doing to warrant a ban? Does he over use VOIP in game? Would he potentially know the rules of Day Z and what is classed as exploiting? Hacking in this game is very easy to do because it is all script based. You could Google it and copy some items into a few files. So if he was decently computer literate he could do it. Just wanted to let you know so that you could explore all the options. Secondly, if he is 11 why is he playing an adult game? I appreciate it is ultimately your decision to make but surely 11 is a wee bit too young for this?
  15. SumoS

    Item giveaway on UK116

    Shame you didnt. Lillen was a great chap. I logged on shortly after his post. Met with him and got some great gear for virtually free. There was no delay, no drama. Just a clean trade and we went our separate ways. It was a shame that the server restarted before i picked all of it up but I still ended up with the important stuff. Have some more faith in people. Lillen if I can help you on your new endeavors with your friend just let me know. Thanks again!
  16. It is saddening to see so many people taking advantage of the situation instead of working alongside the devs in finding solutions. When I started I certainly took advantage of the duplicating items bug. Just because I did not know any better at the time. Since then and after reading the opinions of other players and the developers I stopped. I have been much better off. Now I help run a community that has a zero-tolerance policy on duping. I understand why people do it but it ruins the game for everyone else. So in answer to your question, if i knew those items were duped (or at least suspected) I would not pick them up. I would throw them in the water and wait for the server to restart. He advertised trying to offer hacked items in a public forum. If he had received unanimous support I would be surprised. It is ignorant to post this discussion here where a large majority of people are trying to make this game better, instead of getting an upper-hand through illegitimate means. Would you say the same thing if he found a tank or a jet? If you fail to see how he is not in the wrong here then you are being naive. Maybe I am too for imagining people wont take advantage. However, by no means is calling him ignorant an insult. Just a general statement.
  17. SumoS


    It happens mate. A guy gave me a full set of gear yesterday (Fab chap!) and as he put down his coyote backpack the server timed out. I was pissed at the time thinking it could not be a coincidence but eventually realized that was just the case. Deep breath, move on. Good to see you are on track of this and making sure that if they are abusing their powers you make sure they have suitable repercussions.
  18. SumoS

    Camo clothes garbage?

    They are not tiered items. Like many of the weapons they all boil down to personal preference. Many weapons are effective if you put the hours in to learning to use them effectively. I know many a player that can outgun a .50 cal sniper with a DMR. If I find a ghillie I normally give it to someone else. I keep the camo for my style of play. They are just options available for clothing and I am sure many more will be added before the release of the end product.
  19. He stated what powers we have at our disposal. We are not allowed to lock servers with the current iteration of terms in Day Z. We can do it but it would not be allowed and could potentially lead to blacklisting if abused. There are some exceptions i.e. legitimate testing (not hoarding in a clan).
  20. Trying to trade hacked in items for legitimate items? Doesn't sound like it deserves anything. Dump them and try trade the other items from the camp. Did he save the tent after he looted it? Otherwise they will only be duplicated again in any case. You are here to test. You knew what you were getting in to. You should not feel entitled to anything except to continue testing until they release it as an end product. This attitude is precisely why these problems arise. You are part of the problem. Be better men and be part of the solution and play as intended. Besides, you will get a lot of attention wearing that gear. You would have to be stupid to wear it.
  21. SumoS

    Camo clothes garbage?

    Don't put them on then? Neither offers you any additional protection other than a new skin. Yes, ghillie is harder to see. However, the camo clothing is substantially better in comparison to the beginner skin. They do not need any more enhancements. They are what they are. Clothes.
  22. http://www.teefury.com/products_large_images/1293668358_bottom_trappy.jpg
  23. Delete them and do all of us a favor. Your ignorance is astounding.
  24. At the moment there is only a shortage of Devs. There is currently plenty of players and servers popping up left right and center. The corrupt admins will be culled soon enough, the impatient players will leave when the next CoD is released next week and more Devs will be brought in as time goes on. In addition, both of you are splitting hairs. You both have good points to make but ultimately are as opinionated as each other. Broaden both of your perspectives and try to see both sides of the fence. This post was stickied because it expresses what legitimate Admins can and cannot do. This is quoted for truth because it is the truth. If it was not he would have been shot down quickly. Every player isn't an ungrateful little shite but you must admit that there are quite a few that need to read the statement by the OP before they post anything. If they do not have the patience to do that, or have the courtesy to perform a quick search, then I won't defend them. Frankly, there are too many posts bad-mouthing servers that have hard working, caring admins that have had accusations thrown at them based on speculation and ignorance. Hence the necessity to have this post sticked.