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Guy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Guy (DayZ)

  1. Does this happen to anyone else? Multiple times I've been on servers where script kiddies have teleported/killed everyone else on the server but I'm never killed or teleported. I'm worried not only that multiple people will accuse me hacking/scripting but also of being banned from some my favorite servers as I have no way to tell anyone I'm not the one scripting.
  2. Guy (DayZ)

    Why do scripts ignore me?

    Okay thank you, I'm just a bit nervous. I really like this game, I don't want to get banned from servers or even worse a global ban.
  3. Guy (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket said in an interview not to long ago that he intended to add a suicide animation to the game that you access in game, though I suppose you'd have to find a weapon before you could blow your own brains out. Anyways, it doesn't really matter what your or my opinions on the matter are at this point, if rocket feels like they need to test what kind of impact removing the respawn button will have on the game then he is well within in his right to do it, because alphas are for testing mechanics that have an impact on gameplay. He's not a stubborn guy, if it turns out to hurt the game he'll put it back in.
  4. I joined US 628, hosted by YOLOGAMING, earlier today and was instantly banned. I genuinely hope this was just an error because having servers where the owners have free reign could only harm the DayZ community.
  5. Guy (DayZ)

    Suspicious Activity on US 628

    I believe it said Battle Eye, but I can still connect to other servers. I was under the impression that if Battle Eye banned you it was global.