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Posts posted by hwystitch

  1. Everyone says show me the log....well unless the logs are streamed to a central depository that checks md5 and stores them to verify, much like punksbusted.com use to do, the evidence in the logs can be fake. So the logs will prove nothing in turth. I did check setdamage and it did show the fight and we did hit, but it is of little proof since we could write anything we want to that file and email it to everyone. The LOGS are not a magical end all of proof since there is no way to prove that they have not been doctored.

    I trust my eyes and since we pay for the server, we ban whom we think is a cheat or a disruptor, no one likes a guy coming into a server and disrupting the regulars of that server it stops a sense of community far more then a overzealous admin. We have talked about doing a whitelist for the server and require a person to register with us before we let them play on the server, that way we can prescreen the players on the server......thinking real hard about this.

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  2. Just to be clear, since a DMR and as50 we're shooting at us at the same time, how can you comfirm YOUR bullet hitted any of us.

    DMR and as50 were shooting at different people at different times. I was shooting DMR and watched the blood sprut out as I hit, player ran around bleeding out and did not die, yet continued to stop and shoot back despite being hit 6 times with a DMR.

    I assume you are accusing us of using a god mode hack or something, but please tell me why the guy you accused died after?

    sorry didnt see you die.....maybe you combat logged and die on another server?

    If you trully shot maybe there was a desync or something.3/5 of us died in that last encounter, only me and goodmanHR survived cause we took cover in a nearby building.

    ummmm what near by building?? no buildings for 2k.... Or was it the building you warped to like your buddy durt warrior did with the SUV? Yeah he died, when he warped into another one of us playing, the one you killed across the map in the helo.

    It never occured to you, that our vehicle exploded cause of your as50 shot?

    we saw the suv and it did not explode....only one shot was taken at the suv to stop it.the rest were taken at the players, also the suv never exploded, because your buddy and fellow clanmate was warping around the map with it later on.

    Also tell me, would you bandage yourself when you are targeted by snipers?

    Why would you? since bleeding doesnt affect you......

    Oh and of course looting body while being shot at by snipers is a even better idea!

    He didnt mean loot the body...since you were across the ridge from us how could you loot our bodies while we had others still shooting at you? unless you warped over....He meant loot the gear in the vehicles at the area, the ones you were blowing up with disregard....well thats easy, since you could go to another server and spawn whatever you like....maybe?

    So this said i've just destroyed your great arguments that define a hacker.

    you didnt destroy it you confiurmed it, thank you so much.....PS why did you come back to the boom bewm room? you where back there on wednseday, we never removed the ban and yet you got back in?????

    This said... being kick/ban after this guy was crying bout losing his farmed gears just make it even easier to come to conclusion we got ban for him,since we have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of. To all other players if your looking for a fair match with no BS avoid Boom Bewm Room at all cost.

    Why do you tell other to avoid it and yet you came back in???????????????????not very logical. Since you managed to repeatedly get on the server after being banned(no hacks) I ask why did you bother to tell people not to play there?

    And for conclusion to you Mr. Memdobendo, i hope you come to our KVT clan website to give us an apology for your abuse and untill then i will inform everyone i know to avoid your server to avoid such abuse.

    Have a good day sir.

    You have a good day, please do us the favor and avoid the boom bewm room, your type and your clanmates type are not welcome and will be removed when you are seen. As a clan that has been in gaming for over 8 years and having 50 plus members, we find it funny when cheaters cry about getting banned.Simple fact, if you appear to be to good to be real....you usaully are hacking. We strive to make our server a freindly place and have repeatedly welcomed noobies and helped them out. Again DO AS YOU ADVISE OTHERS AND AVOID THE BOOM BEWM ROOM. I dont understand why you have bothered to repeatedly come back after crying about abuse by the admins....let alone how you can get back on with a permanent ban issued.

    Thank you and have a good life.

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