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About gottf257

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. gottf257

    Servers not saving progress

    Our group played about 3 sessions lasting an hour or so each yesterday and had no problems. Seems to be very hit and miss on who gets effected and when. Again we were on multiple US # servers
  2. gottf257

    Servers not saving progress

    Tried again this morning, ended up logging in at a spawn location with all of my gear gone :( Tried multiple servers and am in the same spot
  3. gottf257

    Servers not saving progress

    dont speak russian :/
  4. Couple friends and I have been playing the last two days and have been having trouble with servers saving our progress. We play on all US # servers (already checked, not private hives) and it seems no matter where we go/abort out or what we pick up/kill/fix we always spawn back in at the exact same place. Anyone else having these issues? So far 3 of us have had them over the last 2-3 days.